Someone says they don’t sell eggs well… Convenience store out of stock commotion

“No, why are you saying that the eggs that are selling well are discontinued?” All day on the 22nd, phone calls from franchisees to the GS25 headquarters of the convenience store flooded. It was after a broadcaster reported that egg sales had ceased.

GS Retail, which operates the GS25, sent a sudden war to the media around 4:20 on that day. The contents are like this.

“Currently, there is an urgent notice due to the revision of the contents related to the discontinuation of egg sales. Our GS25 egg products are never discontinued, and orders are limited to some products. Currently, eggs are normally supplied at GS25, and there is even a discount event, and there are no restrictions on the number of purchases or sales per person.

Since the’Fresh Research Lab 1st class’ products that are on sale are more than 80% of the total order volume, the temporary suspension of orders for other products is practically meaningless.

In addition, the products of the Fresh Research Institute are products that can be used with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the consumption coupons for agricultural and livestock products, so a 20% discount can also be applied at convenience stores, providing greater benefits to customers in terms of consumer welfare.
You can look at it as unifying egg operation in order to stabilize supply by changing the maximum order quantity per store. Let me remind you once again that it will never stop selling.”

In other words, the eggs sold at GS25’s nationwide over 15,000 are normally supplied to the shelves, and stock is sufficient. The untimely egg turmoil occurred in the process of ordering eggs by franchisees. Usually, orders are placed at 10 suppliers, but the message’No supply’ appeared at 9 locations on this day. GS Retail explained that it started to be misunderstood as out of stock as the news was reported in some media. An official of the company said, “It was only tentatively subtracted from the list of suppliers because they said that the supply of eggs was not smooth from nine suppliers. There is no problem with yen.”

One convenience store owner who operates GS25 complained, “I am already having trouble with business due to Corona 19, but I am worried that customers will be cut off due to incorrect information.” In this regard, other convenience stores, such as convenience stores CU and 7-Eleven, also revealed that there is no problem with egg sales. Eggs are sold normally at large supermarkets such as E-Mart.

Reporter Park Donghui [email protected]

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