Sohn Seok-hee President JTBC’New Year’s Discussion’ “It’s not a return to broadcast”

Sohn Seok-hee, CEO of JTBC, will hold the JTBC’New Year’s Discussion’ in 2021.

The JTBC New Year’s Discussion is an annual program since 2014. This is an annual debate program proposed and created by Sohn while in charge of news immediately after joining JTBC. JTBC announced that the debate moderator was President Son Son, but drew a line saying, “It was my thought that it was not returning to the broadcast.”

▲ Sohn Seok-hee, president of JTBC.  Photo = JTBC.
▲ Sohn Seok-hee, president of JTBC. Photo = JTBC.

JTBC’s New Year’s debate, which will be held from January 4th to 5th, 2021 at 8:40 pm, is’What is the fate of the prosecution reform?’ ‘What are the tasks for 2021 amid the corona crisis?’ He said he plans to cover two topics.

On the first day, January 4, with the theme of the reform of the prosecution, Jeong Han-jung, the head of the Graduate School of Law at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Kim Yong-min, a Democratic Party member, former lawmaker Tae-seop Geum, and a former professor Jin Jung-kwon of Dongyang University will appear.

Professor Jeong is the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. Rep. Kim is a’strong police reformist for prosecution reform’ and recently proposed a bill to abolish the prosecution office and establish a public prosecution office.

Former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop was a member of the party after disagreeing with the Democratic Party over the prosecution reform issue. Jeon Professor Jin Jung-kwon is a person who has established a corner with the government and ruling party since the incident of former Justice Minister Cho Kook last year.

▲ Panels appearing in the 2021 JTBC New Year's Discussion.  Photo = JTBC.
▲ Panels appearing in the 2021 JTBC New Year’s Discussion. Photo = JTBC.

JTBC said, “All of the performers are people who are receiving great attention on the prosecution reform issue, so the discussion will be more active than ever.” I am looking forward to seeing what kind of diagnosis and solution will come out.”

The second day, January 5, deals with the current issues of the Moon Jae-in regime for one year in office. It discusses topics such as evaluation of COVID-19 prevention and preparation, and real estate issues. New politicians such as Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong and Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong will also appear, as well as new politicians such as Democratic Party lawmaker Goh Kohn Jeong-jeong and People’s Power Member Hwang Bo Seung-hee.

JTBC said, “The two provincial governors Lee Jae-myeong and Won Hee-ryong are both interested in the future presidential election and are also on the front line of the corona quarantine administration.” It is evaluated as a representative deficit in Korea. One of them is a politician who has been a basic and regional lawmaker for a long time in Busan and has a thick bones.”

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