Sohn Hak-gyu “Apology request doesn’t suit MB·朴 pardon…it’s just a political decision”

Sohn Hak-gyu, former CEO of the Minsaeng Party.  News 1

Sohn Hak-kyu, former CEO of the Minsaeng Party. News 1

Former Minsaeng Party CEO Sohn Hak-gyu said, “The’apology’ that we ask of the former president is not a match for’pardon’.” It is just the president’s “political decision”.”

On the 4th, former CEO Son said on his Facebook page that he was desperate while watching the progress of the amnesty of former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, saying, “It’s really sad. Where is the country going?”

He said, “(My proposal for amnesty) meant that our country should overcome divisions and conflicts and go to’integration’.” Amnesty floated on the water. I was really happy.”

“However, the Democratic Party’s Supreme Council’s position announced yesterday was not repentance, but only excuses and obsessions that I was concerned about. There was no courage to abandon me,” he said. Said.

“Let’s be more honest. The arrest of the former president is a matter of politics before legal matters.” “Let’s try to open it up.”

He also said, “The oppositionists have put a brake on the president as well,” he said. “Because of the political climate of the ruling party in Korea and the political tendency of Lee Nak-yeon, they would not have done anything contrary to the will of the president.”

[손 전 대표 페이스북 캡처]

[손 전 대표 페이스북 캡처]

Sohn said, “The Blue House remains silent about the amnesty, but once the amnesty has been publicized to this extent, the president has to take responsibility. We must persuade them that amnesty is a way of unity that embraces and embraces the opposition people. “I said.

“The pardon of the two former presidents is the first button for unfolding the politics of unification,” he said. “To open a new era in our country, the pardons of the two former presidents must be made.”

Previously, on the 31st of last month, former CEO Sohn requested President Moon Jae-in to pardon the two former presidents through Facebook.

Reporter Seok-Hyun Ko [email protected]
