Social Media Club House in Thousand Characters Column

[천자 칼럼]  SNS'Club House' in words

“A club house or a golf club?” “If it’s a voice conversation, isn’t it better to just call it?” The new interactive voice-based social media’Club House’ is a hot topic every day. Club House, which was first introduced in March last year, is a chat room that uses only voices instead of text, images, and videos.

Initially, it became popular among startup founders and venture investors in Silicon Valley, but with the participation of famous entrepreneurs, the number of users increased to over 2 million. Earlier this month, Tesla’s chief executive (CEO) Elon Musk and Vladimir Theveb, CEO of Robin Hood, a US stock trading platform, held a short-selling campaign to attract more attention.

Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appeared in surprise and drew attention with the story of’Oculus Quest 2′, a virtual reality (VR) device. In Korea, star founders, including Chairman Kim Bong-jin, Chairman of Elegant Brothers, Kim Seul-ah, CEO of Market Curly, and Lee Seung-gun, CEO of Viva Republic, participated one after another. There are many Korean as well as English chat rooms.

The difference from regular platforms is its closed nature. You must be invited by an existing subscriber to enter. ‘Uninvited guests’ must wait in a waiting state. Because of this, postings saying “I want an invitation” are forming a lot. With the pride of being with industry giants and trendy people, as well as practical information such as business and employment opportunities, the number of applicants to join is rapidly increasing.

Another characteristic is presence and scarcity. Since the conversation is not recorded, you have to listen to high-quality information in real time. Users can visit numerous chat rooms depending on their interests. The process of three to six people talking and tens to hundreds of people listening is similar to a panel discussion at a large conference. Counseling and coaching, which are directly connected to money, are conducted everywhere. A venture investor also linked nine people to an investment portfolio company through an industry executive he met at the clubhouse.

The corporate value of Alpha Exploration, which developed the clubhouse, has increased tenfold from 100 million dollars (approximately 110 billion won) in May last year to 1 billion dollars (approximately 120 billion won) in February this year. It is still a service only available on the iPhone, but the company value is expected to increase when an Android app is released soon. As the number of users increases, the marketability increases accordingly. The ideas of the founders of Silicon Valley, who pioneered new markets with one voice in the age of video, are surprising.

Editorial Writer Ko Doo-hyun [email protected]

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