Soaring criticism in public opinion… Jeong Sye-gyun “No plans to increase cigarette prices”

[사진 = 정총리 페이스북 캡처]

picture explanation[사진 = 정총리 페이스북 캡처]

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Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun announced on the 28th that it was not true after a report on the government’s plan to raise the prices of cigarettes and alcohol was infested with opposition.

Prime Minister Chung told Facebook on the day that “there was a report yesterday that the government is pushing ahead with a plan to raise the price of cigarettes to around 8,000 won and to impose a health promotion charge on alcohol. This is not true.” “The current government hasn’t considered any plans for the imposition of the levy,” he said. “Tobacco and liquor are items consumed by many citizens and require sufficient research and review in various aspects such as price issues, and they cannot be promoted in a short period of time as issues that require careful social discussion.”

The day before, the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced the ‘5th Comprehensive National Health Promotion Plan’ (2021-2030), and plans to increase the current cigarette price from 4500 won per pack to the level of 7 dollars (about 7738 won) within the next 10 years. Revealed. The goal of raising cigarette prices is to reduce the smoking rate of adult men to 25% by 2030.

The voice of criticism came out immediately, centering on smokers. He pointed out whether the purpose of raising the price is to increase taxes rather than improve public health, as well as put an economic burden on consumers who are already in need of Corona 19. On the Blue House National Petition bulletin board, on the 27th, a petition with the title’I oppose the implementation of the 5th National Health Promotion Plan of the Ministry of Health and Welfare’ was posted.

As the controversy persisted, the Ministry of Health and Welfare released data to clarify that “it is not taking this into account and has no plans for implementation” one day after it announced plans to raise prices for cigarettes and alcohol. Prime Minister Jung, conscious of criticism, also emphasized, “It is a pity that even though there was an official response from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, this report continues to spread and confuse the people.”

[방영덕 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
