SNS’Club House’ is rapidly rising…

Reviewing the feasibility of audio-based SNS while directly using Naver and Kakao officials
If the potential is verified, it will speed up the launch of related services.

Club House App [사진: 셔터스톡]
Club House App [사진: 셔터스톡]

[디지털투데이 최지연 기자] As’Club House’, an audio SNS developed by an American start-up, has attracted great interest both at home and abroad, the domestic internet industry is also paying close attention to the waves from the club house.

In particular, officials from Naver and Kakao, the two biggest big techs in Korea, are watching the Club House with interest. It is reported that many employees of both companies use the clubhouse directly, as well as the executives who join and experience the kind of service. It is known that not a few reactions are fresh from the inside.

Both Naver and Kakao have relatively few voice service lineups. Kakao provides group calls for Kakao Talk, but focuses on telephone service rather than social media. Naver also provides audio content services such as audio clips, but it is far from SNS.

If the potential of audio SNS is verified through Club House, domestic companies are expected to accelerate the launch of related services.

Clubhouse is a social media (SNS) that communicates in real time through voice. You must have an invitation to sign up. Users can participate in conversations with creators (moders) or simply listen to conversations going back and forth. Currently, it is available only in the Apple IOS version during the beta test period.

Unlike existing social media, the club house can be interactive only with voice. When a user opens a room and invites someone to talk to, a large number of people can enter the room and listen to the conversations of speakers (speakers). Listeners who came in after viewing the chat room list can also join the conversation by clicking the’Raise Hand’ button. Unlike existing SNS such as podcasts and YouTube, everyone can communicate through conversation.

In addition, it is characterized by a closed nature that only invitees can use. You can use the service only when you receive invitations from members who have joined the existing clubhouse. There is also a limit to the number of people that can be invited per person.

As the influential figures begin to write, the word of mouth surrounding the clubhouse is expanding.

Overseas, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used the clubhouse, and in Korea, in addition to Naver and Kakao, elegant brothers Kim Bong-jin (Bedal’s ethnic operator) and Lee Seung-gun, CEO Toss, joined the club house.

Articles about selling invitations to the used trading platform carrot market and second hand countries have appeared, and some people are buying an iPhone to use a clubhouse. One user who uses the clubhouse said, “It’s good to be able to listen and share conversations without showing your face,” he said. “It’s not easy to join because I need an invitation, so I feel proud that I belong to a group of insas that only people know.”

Related industries see the rise of clubhouse as a result of digging into users who are tired of social media consumption based on existing articles, photos and videos.

An industry official said, “It seems that people who were thirsting for new and freshness were attracted to the attention of people who were thirsty for the new and freshness with the zipcock that has been around for a long time due to Corona 19. Unlike video calls and video chats, only voice chat is provided. The fact that it is possible to communicate with celebrities in real time, and the image of a meeting of hot insas due to closed invitations seems to be popular factors.

Foreign media such as Bloomberg and The New York Times are paying attention to the clubhouse as the’next generation social media star’. Recently, various audio-voice-based apps such as Discord, Ripper, and Blabla are appearing one after another. An industry official said, “It is still in the early stages of service, so it cannot be evaluated, but TikTok has also grown rapidly in three years. It is expected that the clubhouse will emerge as a dark horse and can create a new wind in the social media market.” said.

Reporter Choi Ji-yeon [email protected]

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