SNS solicitors leave the gatekeeper… ’70 people in self-quarantine’

A lot of people follow the quarantine rules thoroughly, but there are places where they have collapsed. At a club in Busan, 70 people gathered and were caught by the police, while in Daegu, 19 illegal foreigners gathered together to hold a party.

Reporter Jo Yoon-ha reports.


This morning, a club in Busan. The red light flashes and the bottle is littered.

70 men and women who drank while playing music here were caught by the police.

Among these were men in their twenties who were subject to self-isolation.

When the reported and dispatched police searched the club, some guests sneaked through the back door.

As a result of the police investigation, the business gathered customers through social media to avoid crackdowns, and employees watched the web outside the business site.

[부산경찰청 관계자 : 보통 유흥업소 이런 데 가면, 문 앞에 지키는 사람을 ‘문빵, 문지기’ 이렇게 표현하지 않습니까.]

The police are investigating Mr. A, a business owner in his twenties who operated the club while ignoring the quarantine rules, for violating the Infectious Disease Prevention Act.

In Daegu, businesses that operated in violation of administrative orders were also caught in a joint crackdown.

On the 27th of last month, 19 foreigners gathered at a restaurant in Daegu and were caught having a party until 5 a.m. They all turned out to be foreigners who were staying illegally.

Daegu Han Restaurant Party

[대구시 관계자 : 불법체류자 19명은 연행해서 법무부에서 데리고 갔고요. 거기 있던 내국인들은 인적사항 파악해서 과태료 처분할 예정(입니다.)]

As a result of cracking down on entertainment bars and restaurants from the 24th of last month to today by the city of Daegu and the police, two establishments that opened while ignoring administrative orders and five restaurants that allowed customers to eat in the establishment after 9pm were discovered.

(Video coverage: Kim Tae-yong KNN, Video editing: Lee Seung-jin)
