“SNS, CCTV lags behind” US FBI speeds up investigation of intrusive protesters in Capitol Hill

On the 6th, the US Congressional police grabbed protesters near the main hall of the House of Representatives in the Capitol in Washington and pointed at guns to monitor them. The Senate and House of Representatives were scheduled to hold a joint meeting at the Capitol on that day to certify the victory of President-elect Joe Biden, but the meeting was halted due to the unprecedented situation of protesters invading the Capitol. Washington = AP Yonhap News

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in earnest on arresting the lead of the intrusion of protesters in the Washington Capitol. The prosecution also announced a prosecution against those responsible for the intrusion.

CNN reported on the 7th (local time) that the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies are planning to arrest and prosecute those who led the rebellion at the Capitol. On the 6th, the FBI dispatched digital intelligence experts to search video footage of surveillance cameras around the Capitol Building and the precincts overnight. In addition, social network service (SNS) posts and videos related to intrusion are also secured, and a comparison survey is being conducted using software programs.

CNN said, “Some of the people who participated in the capitol occupation may have revealed what their plans were in an SNS post before the rally. In this case, the federal prosecution can use it for prosecution.”

CNN believes in’QAnon’, a man who wandered around in unusual attire inside the Capitol (Jake Angeli), and a white man sitting with his feet in the office chair of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Explained that this could be. The FBI is also receiving reports, saying, “We are looking for information that will help us identify people who have actively promoted violence in Washington.”

A protester in support of President Donald Trump, who broke into the US Capitol, came to the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the 6th and sits in a chair and puts their feet on the desk. Washington = AFP Yonhap News

US Congressional police have arrested 13 people for alleged illegal entry into the Capitol, and Washington police have arrested 68 people and are investigating them.

Hundreds of protesters in support of President Donald Trump broke into the Capitol on the 6th, occupying conference halls and offices, destroying property, and rioting. In the process, four people were killed and the police were injured.

Washington= Jeong Won Correspondent

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