[SNS 핫피플] ‘Drinking driving’ Park Si-yeon, “regret and reflection” apology, etc.

Sending time2021-01-20 20:01


▶’Drinking Driving’ Park Si-yeon apologizes for “regret and reflection”

SNS hot people, the first hot people is actor Park Si-yeon.

The news that actor Park Si-yeon had a car accident in broad daylight after drinking on the 17th on the weekend is heating up the portal.

At the time of driving, it is reported that he was intoxicated at the level of revoking a license, and the criticism is increasing.

Mr. Park Si-yeon said, “I regret and reflect deeply about myself for being comfortable,” and said, “It was something we shouldn’t do for any reason.”

After the controversy about taking propofol, he showed good acting skills by appearing in the drama’Postpartum Care Center’ recently, but this drunk driving accident was hurting the image again.

▶ Kim Bo-reum, lawsuit against ‘200 million damages’ against Roh-young

The next hot people are speed skating national team player Kim Bo-reum, who was caught up in the so-called’bullying driving’ controversy at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

Kim Bo-reum filed a lawsuit for damages of 200 million won against No.

During the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Bo-reum Kim was criticized for overtaking the women’s speed skating team for his remarks that seemed to ignore teamwork after crossing the finish line with Noh Yoo-young at the end.

Here, the controversy over’bullying’ spread and criticized public opinion raging, claiming that there was bullying even when Roh Yoo-young was training.

After the controversy, Kim Bo-reum claimed that he received psychiatric treatment and suffered economic damage due to the cessation of sponsorship. In November, he claimed 200 million won for alimony.

Regarding this, the player’s side is that, “I suffered mental pain from Kim Bo-reum’s false interview.”

Three years later, the conflict between seniors and juniors eventually led to a court workshop.

The results of the court’s judgment are noted.

So far, it has been an SNS hot people.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok/line jebo23
