[SNS세상]New York police put’robot police dog’ in hostage robbery

The New York Police (NYPD) in the U.S. deployed a robotic police dog in a hostage robbery to see if the robbers remained on the scene.

According to the New York Times on the 1st, the New York police put a robotic police dog in a hostage case in an apartment in the Bronx, New York on the 23rd of last month.

At the time, two men were staying in the apartment, and two robbers pretending to be plumbers threatened them with firearms.

At this time, one of the victims ran away and reported it to the police, and the police officers dispatched sent a robotic police dog to the scene before the police were put in.

According to the NYPD, the robotic police dog is equipped with cameras and lights, and the police can remotely control the robotic police dog so that they can first determine if the site is safe.

In this case, the robotic police dog confirmed that the robbers had already run away from the scene. Police said the robbers stole cell phones and $2,000 in cash and ran away.

The robotic police dog used in the case was a model called’Spot’ produced by robotics company Boston Dynamics, and the New York police had already put this robotic police dog into the scene at the time of the Brooklyn shooting in October.

‘Spot’ is known to have the ability to run more than 5km and climb stairs, and to cope with the situation on its own based on artificial intelligence.

However, Democratic Party member Alexandria Okashio-Cortes, who has New York as its district, was also concerned about the possibility that robotic police dogs would become’watchdogs’ like drones.

YTN PLUS Reporter Ji-Young Moon ([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
