[SNS세상]American boy murders mother who scolds for “bad grades”, 45 years in prison

A teenager in the United States, who murdered his mother who scolded for poor grades and buried his body, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

According to a Fox News report on the 25th, a Florida court in the US on the 22nd sentenced Gregory Ramos, 17, who was arrested for first-degree murder, damage to the body, and fabricating evidence, to 45 years in prison. The court said, “Ramos’ sentence will be reviewed in 25 years, and if released, he will be subject to probation for the rest of his life.”

Ramos strangled her mother on November 2, 2018, at the age of 15, while arguing with her mother, Gale Cleveland, 46. He buried the body in a church to cover up the murder, then summoned two friends and disguised himself as a robber.

Ramos called 911 and lied, “The house was robbed and her mother was missing.”
When the testimony didn’t fit back and forth, and his expression seemed uncomfortable, he began to pursue Ramos. Eventually, Ramos admitted that he had killed his mother. He confessed, “After getting a grade of D in school, my mother scolded her, and she killed her in a panic.”

“I have so many conversations I want to have with my mother, but I can’t do it right now. I have no chance to get to know my mother because of my actions,” Ramos said in a trial last Friday. I took away,” he left a regret.

Ramos’ public defense lawyer said, “This teenage boy regrets the crime and will try to improve himself in prison.”

The judge gave Ramos’ grandmother, 84, this year the opportunity to say goodbye to her grandson before Ramos was imprisoned.
Grandmother took a moment to pray for her grandson and said, “I will always be with my child.”

YTN PLUS Reporter Jeong Yoon-joo
([email protected])

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