Sleep guidelines to increase the effectiveness of corona vaccination 4


One of the important factors that increase the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination is’sleep’.

On the 19th of the’World Sleep Day’, the Korean Sleep Association emphasized this close correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and sleep.

A paper published in the medical journal The Lancet provides an important basis for sleep in vaccination. According to the paper, if you sleep less than 4 hours after getting the vaccine, the production of antibodies decreases, and the vaccine effect decreases. On the other hand, if you sleep well, your immune function will improve and the vaccine effect will also improve. This effect was also observed in other vaccine injections, such as the flu injection, the H1N1 flu injection, and the type A infection injection.

The Korean Sleep Association also introduced sleep guidelines to increase the effectiveness of the Corona 19 vaccine.

◆ On the day of vaccination, sleep well at night= On the day you get the vaccine, you should not schedule a night time so that you can sleep more than usual. It is easy to think of sleep as a simple rest, but it is also a process that optimizes the homeostasis of the body. Lack of sleep can reduce immune function, and sleeping for less than 5 hours can reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine, and it is also fatal for immune function. However, since naps interfere with nighttime sleep, care should be taken not to take unnecessary naps on the day of vaccination.

◆ Wake up at the same time from one week before vaccination= People who don’t usually live a regular life, especially those who have a change of day and night, may have trouble sleeping at night on the day they received the vaccine. Therefore, it’s a good idea to have a habit of waking up at a certain time from at least a week in advance. Set a target wake-up time, and after wake-up, it is recommended to receive bright light for at least 30 minutes. You can also go outdoors and get in the sun or use a phototherapy device.

◆ Maintaining the usual amount and quality of sleep = There are many people who put off sleep for things like when they go to bed or for hobbies that they haven’t been able to do while working. However, this time swapped for sleep decreases the efficiency of work the next day and increases fatigue.

It is also important to draw clear boundaries between bedtime and times such as work or hobbies to improve the quality of sleep. Having a transitional period between active time and bedtime so you can get enough time to get ready for sleep can also help improve your sleep quality.

◆ Don’t go to bed in an upset state= If you lie in bed in a bad mood, you can’t sleep well. Activities that can depress your mood, activities that require a lot of thought, and excessive physical activity that induces an arousal state should be avoided right before bedtime. Relaxation and a relaxed mind will help you sleep better and sleep better.

Reporter Moon Se-young [email protected]

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