SKT Simplifies Submission of Documents Required for Customer Center with’Initial’ App

From January 15, through the service to simplify the submission of documents required for the customer center using the Government 24 app and the initial app, it is possible to easily and conveniently issue and submit documents through mobile.  (Photo = SKT)
From January 15, through the service to simplify the submission of documents required for the customer center using the Government 24 app and the initial app, it is possible to easily and conveniently issue and submit documents through mobile. (Photo = SKT)

[라이센스뉴스 김지훈 기자] SK Telecom (CEO Park Jeong-ho) announced on the 17th that it has started a service to simplify the submission of required documents to the customer center for the convenience of counseling work for its mobile communication service subscribers.

The service for simplifying the submission of required documents to the customer center is a connection between the’initial’ app and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s electronic document wallet service, and the required documents are issued as a mobile electronic certificate, and the submission can be conveniently and safely used by mobile.

‘Initial’ is a service that allows users to issue, store, and submit various certificates to their own terminal using blockchain and DID (Decentralized Identifier) ​​technology.It has excellent security for verification of forgery, alteration and authenticity. It is an application.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s electronic document wallet service mounted on the’Initial’ is provided based on a blockchain-based electronic certificate issuance distribution platform. It is characterized by solving the risk of forgery and alteration of electronic files and the difficulty of authenticity verification with the new security technology of the blockchain.

The use of’initials’ is expected to reduce the inconvenience of having to visit administrative agencies to obtain documents required for mobile communication service application, and to save time and money.

In the case of processing through the customer center, tasks that require various applications and required documents can only be submitted by fax/email, but customers who are inconvenient or unable to use fax/email must visit the branch or agency directly. There was a lot of inconvenience to

SKT explained that the current average of 4,200 documents received via fax/e-mail per day, and the introduction of a mobile electronic certificate through’initials’ is expected to improve the convenience of many users.

In addition, customer information security is further strengthened with this service. When the required documents are submitted through the initial app, 6 digits after the resident registration number for some parts are automatically hidden.

When issuing 7 types of electronic certificates using the Government 24 app and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s electronic document wallet, it was implemented to select to hide 6 digits after the resident registration number and submit the electronic certificate through the initials app.

Seven types of electronic certificates are a medical register, a business registration certificate, a copy of the resident registration card, a copy of the resident registration card, a certificate of the second-level self-payment reduction target, a certificate of immigration, and a certificate of a single parent family.

In addition, the initials used DID to enhance the security of personal information by encrypting the submitted documents using DID and delivering them to the customer center, which are not DID-based electronic certificates.

The target tasks applied this time are the eight mobile communication services that the person and their legal representatives most frequently apply for, including tax invoice application (business registration), long-term suspension application, whole family discount system combination application, minor legal representative change application, and telephone termination application. It plans to continuously expand the scope by lifting the limit on the amount of SMS sent to 500 per day, requesting to view call details (for checking usage fees), and other applications.

For detailed guidance on the applied work and the submission process, contact the customer center 114 or check the’Initial’ app.

Lee Ki-yoon, head of the Customer Value Innovation Office, said, “By introducing a service that simplifies the submission of documents required by the customer center, the user convenience is expected to improve significantly.” SKT continues to expand the scope of support to improve customer convenience and reduce social costs. I plan to do it.”

“In the era of With Corona, the non-face-to-face service must have both security and convenience,” said Se-Hyun Oh, head of authentication CO. “We will continue to make efforts to enable customers to use safe and convenient services through blockchain and DID technology.”
