SKT 5G’s mid- to low-end pricing plan is imminent… The issue of’Wholesale rate and timing’ of affordable phone

[아이뉴스24 송혜리 기자] While the Ministry of Science, ICT and ICT is reviewing SK Telecom’s new 5G rate plans, the issue of wholesale provision of affordable phones, rates, and timing for related rate plans is on the rise.

As SK Telecom’s 5G mid-to-low price plan contributes to the’reduction of household communication costs’, the possibility of rejection is expected to be low.However, considering the impact that the Ministry of Science and Technology will have on the affordable phone market, the two sides made reasonable coordination as they requested wholesale provision of new rate plans from SK Telecom. The attention is focused on whether or not it is possible to present an inside.

Seodaemun-gu Affordable Phone Square [사진=알뜰폰 협회]

On the 8th, it was confirmed that the Ministry of Science and ICT made a request to provide wholesale cheap phones with the corresponding rate plan according to SK Telecom’s report on the’Untact Rate Plan’.

On December 29 of last year, SK Telecom reported to the Ministry of Science and ICT on a new ‘5G Telecom (5G) and LTE online subscription-only plan’, which is known to be 30% cheaper than the existing plan.

Although the National Assembly also welcomed the introduction of a rate system designed to meet the household communication cost reduction policy, some were raised concerns that it could harm fair competition as it is similar to the rate system offered by affordable phones.

In fact, the low-cost phone industry protested that SK Telecom’s new plan is not much different from the current rate plan offered by the low-cost phone, and that the difference between the retail price of the new plan and the wholesale price of a similar plan of a cheap phone is only around 10,000 won. The low-cost phone service provider said, “I am concerned that this plan will cause the low-cost phone service provider to exit the market.”

Wholesale to SK Telecom in accordance with the reason for the Ministry of Science and Technology’s refusal to report the reservation of the Telecommunications Business Act,’if it is recognized that there is a greater risk of harming fair competition, such as providing telecommunications services at unfair rates rather than wholesale prices to other telecommunications business operators’ This is the background for requesting provision.

Regarding this, an official from the Ministry of Science and ICT explained, “Compulsory providers must provide wholesale services when launching retail rates.”

First of all, it is difficult for SK Telecom to refuse to offer wholesale new rate plans. If SK Telecom, a wholesale obligation provider, rejects this, the reason must be submitted in writing to the Minister of Science and Technology and the reseller.

Contents of the review are ▲If the facilities that the reseller intends to interlock with do not meet the technical standards or national standards of the wholesale provider, so it is technically impossible to provide wholesale; ▲The wholesale provision may cause an obstacle to the service quality of the wholesale provider. The justification of the reason for rejection is covered by taking into account the case where it is clear.

However, the industry believes that SK Telecom’s refusal to wholesale a new rate plan is not applicable in this case.

Accordingly, issues related to the launch of SK Telecom’s new tariff plan come down to ▲Initiation of immediate wholesale offer ▲the corresponding wholesale rate ▲pursuing to amend the announcement in the future.

Industry observations are that SK Telecom will derive an appropriate rate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, taking into consideration the competitiveness of the new rate system.

The affordable phone industry is expecting a new LTE 1.8GB plan with the current 1.5GB plan wholesale rate of 42%, a 5GB plan with the current 4GB plan wholesale price of 51.5%, and the 120GB plan with the current 100GB plan wholesale rate of 62%.

In addition, it is also insisting on the additional provision of a new 5G unlimited rate plan, which is why SK Telecom will accept it.

At the time of wholesale provision, negotiations on the wholesale price of affordable phones this year were completed on November 4 of last year. SK Telecom’s new rate plan wholesale service may start as early as the end of this year or next year. This is also the reason the Ministry of Science and ICT requested immediate wholesale provision.

In addition, when introducing a new tariff plan for a mobile phone service provider, they are urged to establish the basic principles of wholesale provision for prompt wholesale provision and application of an appropriate level of wholesale consideration, taking into account the competitiveness of affordable phone service providers.

An official from the low-cost phone industry said, “If the notification is not revised, even government-level guidelines are necessary.” “SK Telecom provided it only after a year and a half for reasons such as the completion of the negotiation for the wholesale price when providing the last T plan rate system wholesale. “He emphasized.

In response, SK Telecom said, “The new rate plan is currently being reviewed, and there is no official word for it.”

Reporter Song Hye-ri [email protected]
