SKC’s’Choi Shin-won arrest prosecution’ suspends transactions…”Take all measures to close early”

Suspicion of embezzlement and negation of 200 billion won SK networks also suspended trading
SKC “past work….no impact on current business operation and future growth”

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Yoonae Lee = SKC announced that stock trading was suspended from the 5th due to the suspicion of embezzlement and misappropriation of SK Networks chairman Shin-won Shin, “We will take all possible measures to close it early and implement it quickly.”

SKC said, “We are sorry for causing inconvenience and concern to shareholders and stakeholders,” and said, “We will faithfully work on the procedures of the Korea Exchange to be carried out in the future.”

On that day, the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office arrested Chairman Choi for embezzling a total of 223.5 billion won worth of money from six companies it operates, including SK Networks, SKC, and SK Telesys, and causing damage to the company. Chairman Choi was the chairman of SKC from 2000 to 2015.

SKC logo [제공=SKC]

Accordingly, the Korea Exchange Securities Market Headquarters issued an arrest prosecution for Chairman Choi on the afternoon of this afternoon and a suspension of trading transactions with SKC and SK Networks. Asked to disclose.

SKC said, “We have to wait for the court’s judgment as this has happened in the past, but we do not believe that it will have any effect on the company’s current business operation and future growth.”

At the same time, SKC promised to accelerate business model (BM) innovation for future growth and increase corporate value, strengthen governance beyond the global level, and enhance shareholder value.

SKC emphasized, “I will do my best to transform into SKC to meet your expectations by taking this issue as a teacher on the other hand.”

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