SK Hynix shares rose 25 microns 23 this year

Samsung Electronics since last November(85,300 +4.02%) Stock prices soared. It cleared off the stigma of ‘60,000 electrons’, which collapsed after only 60,000 won, and on January 11, it reached a record high of 91,000 won.

SK Hynix shares rose 25% this year and 23% Micron

In addition to the growth of non-memory semiconductors, expectations have been raised that the memory semiconductor industry will also recover with the economic recovery. The buying trend of’FOMO: fear of missing out’, who belatedly entered the stock market, also raised the stock price.

But that was it. The stock price, which rose too quickly, stepped back. After that, SK Hynix(148,500 +9.19%)Took over. This year, while Samsung Electronics rose 5.31%, SK Hynix rose 25.32%. SK Hynix slightly surpassed the market cap of 100 trillion won. Only the expectations for the memory semiconductor’super cycle’ were reflected. Following the surge in DRAM spot prices, it is predicted that NAND prices will hit bottom and rebound in the second quarter at the earliest and at the latest in the third quarter. Hynix is ​​facing a deficit in the NAND business, but if NAND prices rebound, it can expect a turnaround. The stock price of Micron, one of the three largest memory companies in the United States, also rose 23.06% this year.

SK Hynix shares rose 25% this year and 23% Micron

The aggressive investment news announced at the time of the recovery of the industry led to a surge in stock prices. SK Hynix announced that it plans to purchase EUV (extreme ultraviolet) exposure equipment for five years from the Dutch equipment company ASML. The investment amount is about 4.8 trillion won. Meanwhile, in the memory industry, only Samsung Electronics has introduced EUV equipment for DRAM manufacturing. The equipment was expensive enough to reach 200 billion won per unit, and the supply was insufficient, so even though I wanted to buy it, I could not buy it.

The market valued the utility value much higher than the investment cost. This is because SK Hynix can also close the technological gap with Samsung Electronics in DRAM by introducing EUV equipment. SK Hynix closed the transaction at 148,500 won, up 9.19% on the 25th.

If the rise in fixed DRAM transaction prices in February becomes a reality, memory companies’ share prices are expected to rise. In the past memory cycle, the share price of SK Hynix, a pure semiconductor company, has risen more rapidly. Park Yoo-ak, a researcher at Kiwoom Securities, explained, “Since the first quarter is the off-peak season for the set industry, Hynix, a pure semiconductor company, can be relatively more advantageous in terms of stock price than Samsung Electronics.”

TSMC and DB Hitech(58,200 +2.83%) Foundry companies, such as, have benefited from the shortage of non-memory semiconductor supplies. TSMC, the world’s No. 1 foundry company, rose 21.33% and DB HiTek rose 14.12% this year alone.

Reporter Jaeyeon Ko [email protected]

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