SK hynix Lee Seok-hee Efforts to pay incentives to meet expectations this year

Response from the inside “Let’s apply for Samsung career” Executives, all members appease

SK Hynix President Lee Seok-hee said on the 2nd, saying, “I will try to meet the expectations of members this year,” expressing regret over the internal complaints about incentives last year.

According to SK Hynix, CEO Lee Seok-hee explained how to calculate the amount of excess profit distribution (PS) for 2020 through an in-house message in the form of responding to requests from members.

President Lee continued, “I am heartbreaking for your regrets and disappointments because the PS level does not meet the expectations of the members.” “This year, the management and members will work together to achieve good results and provide PS that meets expectations. “He said.

President Lee added, “We will also expand communication on the expected level and scope of PS throughout the year.”

Earlier, SK Chairman Choi Tae-won declared that he would return all the salary he received from SK Hynix last year and share it with employees in relation to the SK Hynix PS controversy the day before.

It is analyzed that the reason that the PS controversy has seldom subsided because of the reason that the PS controversy has seldom subsided after Choi and the CEO have stepped up to appease members.

SK hynix announced on the 28th of last month that it will pay employees at the level of 20% of their annual salary based on last year’s semiconductor performance.

SK Hynix Lee Seok-hee

PS is an incentive paid when the previous year’s performance exceeded the target profit.

SK hynix did not pay PS at the beginning of last year due to poor performance in 2019, but instead gave a special contribution to future growth equivalent to 400% of the basic salary.

When it was announced last year that the PS was at a 20% annual salary level, there were complaints within SK Hynix that, “We skipped the previous year’s PS, and last year, the company’s performance was good, but the amount was too small.”

Unfortunately, the day before, Samsung Electronics announced hiring experienced employees in the first half of the DS division in charge of the semiconductor business.

It is known that there are a number of employees within SK Hynix who will apply as experienced Samsung employees due to the PS complaint.

/yunhap news

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