SK Hynix discusses labor-management over controversy over performance pay… Civil union union “discrimination of minority unions” who could not attend

Input 2021.02.04 16:30 | Revision 2021.02.04 16:47

SK hynix labor and management, first conversation after controversy
Conversation-excluded technical labor union “sorry to cause labor conflict”

SK Hynix Icheon Campus. / Provided by SK Hynix

SK Hynix’s labor and management, cluttered by the controversy over incentives, is scheduled to enter into discussions on the 4th of the 4th, regarding the ratio of’excess profit distribution (PS)’ payment. The labor unions of technical office workers who were not included in the labor-management agreement have argued that they have intentionally excluded them.

On this day, the SK hynix technology office workers union under the National Federation of Democratic Trade Unions (Democratic Trade Unions) sent a letter to the management, including “request for participation in the PS payment council to be held today”.

SK Hynix is ​​a multiple union system. It is composed of a full-time (production worker) union at the Icheon and Cheongju factories under the KCTU and a technical office worker union under the KCTU.

SK Hynix’s management and production workers’ union will hold a labor-management meeting at the Icheon campus on this day. Here, it is observed that the PS calculation criteria will rise as the subject. Along with the discussion on the disclosure of PS calculation standards, additional condolence payments and plans to utilize SK Group chairman Choi Tae-won’s annual salary are expected to be raised as agendas. SK Hynix’s technical office workers’ union was not included in this council.

SK Hynix’s technical office workers union said, “Even though PS payments are applied to all office workers, intentionally excluding the office workers union has no choice but to express regret in that it is discrimination among minority unions and can lead to a conflict between labor and labor.”

Earlier, at the end of January, SK Hynix announced that 400% of the basic salary was paid to employees in PS. It is about 20% of the annual salary. However, employees complained that last year’s operating profit increased 84% from the previous year, and that the amount of PS payments was the same as the previous year.

Afterwards, SK Group Chairman Choi Tae-won announced that he would return all of the annual salary he received from SK Hynix last year, and SK Hynix CEO Lee Seok-hee also promised to supplement the system and communicate through an in-house notice, but the controversy has not subsided. However, there are also observations that a consensus can be found within a short period of time as the production workers’ union first requested a council proposal.
