Since Apple removed the charger, Xiaomi also removed… Should Samsung follow?

The Xiaomi Mi 11 package looks thinner than before, excluding the charger.  (Photo = Xiaomi)
The Xiaomi Mi 11 package looks thinner than before, excluding the charger. (Photo = Xiaomi)

As Apple removed the charger from the smartphone component, other manufacturers are showing the same movement one after another.

On the 26th (local time), Xiaomi CEO Leijun announced to his Weibo that he had excluded the charger from the new Xiaomi Mi 11 package.

CEO Lei Jun said, “The new packaging for Xiaomi 11 has become thinner and lighter,” he said. “Many people today have idle chargers, which is a burden on the environment.”

Apple said that all products sold in the future will not come with a charger and a lightning-type wired earphone. (Photo = Apple)

Earlier, Apple said that for environmental protection reasons, it will exclude chargers and wired earphones from the iPhone 12 components, and will not include them in all future iPhone components.

“So far, over 2 billion iPhone chargers have been distributed,” Apple said. “By excluding the power adapter and earpods from the iPhone package, carbon emissions can be reduced.” Apple only provides a USB-C to Lightning cable for the iPhone 12 components.

Xiaomi said on social media at the time, “Don’t worry,” and said, “We didn’t pull anything out of the Mi 10T Pro box.” However, only two months after the SNS was posted, it followed Apple’s steps.

The same goes for Samsung Electronics. On the day after the iPhone 12 announcement, Samsung Electronics posted a picture of the charger on social media, saying, “Galaxy offers the best cameras and batteries from the most basic chargers.”

However, according to the latest industry, Samsung Electronics is expected to exclude chargers from components of the Galaxy S21 (tentative name), a flagship smartphone to be released next year.

When Apple makes a new decision like this, global smartphone makers mock it at first, show negative marketing, and follow it in the future.

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Samsung Electronics mocked this when Apple removed the 3.5mm earphone jack from the iPhone 7 in 2016, but later removed the earphone jack from the Galaxy Note 10 released in 2019.

On the other hand, in the industry, Apple’s move is to protect the environment, but some point out whether it is to sell more wireless chargers and wireless earphones in the end.
