Should be mixed with the extension of short selling… “Welcome” vs “Be aware of the by-election”

Finance Commissioner Eun Seong-soo is announcing the partial resumption of short selling at the joint briefing room of the Seoul Government Complex in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 3rd. (Photo = Yonhap News)

[이데일리 이재길 기자] There are mixed reactions in the politics over the financial authorities’ decision to extend the ban on short selling.

The passport looks welcome to this decision. It is a position that short selling is in fact necessary as there are criticisms that it is a’tilted playground’, which is advantageous to institutions and foreigners and disadvantageous to individual investors. On the other hand, it is being pointed out in the opposition whether the decision was made conscious of the re-election.

In a statement posted on Facebook on the 3rd, Park Yong-jin, a member of the Democratic Party, said, “I understand and welcome that the financial authorities have also shown an attitude to agree with the claim of’resuming short selling after institutional supplementation’.”

Rep. Park said, “Even though the capital market law related to short selling was passed at the end of last year, there was no speed with regard to’reinforcement of responsibility for securities companies’ or’establishment of computer systems’. Only after pointing out that the financial authorities are already included in the specific plans and enforcement decrees. I started to explain, but looking at the plan to improve the short selling system received through the exchange in January of this year, the completion of the computerized system was a continuous project, and the completion time was uncertain.”

In addition, prior to the Lunar New Year, it announced that it would propose a’capital market law amendment to compulsory computerization of short selling transactions’ to strengthen the responsibility of securities companies.

Rep. Park said, “As can be seen in the US game stop, individual investors’ dissatisfaction with short selling exists in the United States, which is an advanced capital market.” “In Korea, even though the Financial Services Commission promised to improve the short selling system several times, short selling “There is anxiety and dissatisfaction with market participants about the resumption,” he pointed out.

“It is the duty of the financial authorities and the National Assembly to make efforts to find and correct the institutional problems of short selling. We look forward to the government and the ruling party making responsible joint efforts to correct injustice in the capital market in the future.”

Democratic Party member Woo Sang-ho also said, “The 3000th stock price was achieved by individual investors investing in Korea. Revealed. He emphasized, “So that even the smallest hopes of the common people are not stolen by huge foreign capital, individual investors should work together to create conditions for long-term and stable investment in Korean companies in the stock market.”

Rep. Kim Byeong-wook said, “In order to resume short selling, it is imperative that precautions, reinforce post-penalties, be equipped with three beats of real-time monitoring and supervision, as well as set up a sloped playground by securing individual stock loans. Remaining Time The Financial Services Commission must prevent the expansion and reproduction of inaccurate information in the market along with building a system for the smooth operation of the system.”

On the other hand, Congressman Ha Tae-kyung, on Facebook, criticized, “Of course, it is said to ants to improve the system unfairly and to partially reopen the company, but the one-and-a-half month extension is a decision that is conscious of the by-election.”

Assemblyman Ha exclaimed, “The FSC should make policy decisions based on expert judgment rather than political decisions.” “The restoration of market fairness in the short selling market is the first, but the ruling party’s by-election strategy should not be prioritized.” “Is the Financial Services Commission an electoral organization for the ruling party? Before the decision to extend the one-and-a-half month, we should have announced how and when we will finish the improvement of the unfair short selling market system, which is infinitely disadvantageous to individuals.”
