‘Short selling’ on reopening in March… “Cold water in the stock market on fire” ant repulsion


As you may have heard, financial authorities are sending warnings about loans to invest in stocks. Now I am also interested in the resumption of short selling. It was temporarily banned, and the financial authorities said they would allow it again from March, which seems to be due to the recent stock market atmosphere.

Reporter Seo-yeon Kim reports this news.


It was last March that the Financial Services Commission banned short selling.

This is because the stock price plunged in the aftermath of Corona 19.

However, as the stock price recently exceeded the 3000 line, the Financial Services Commission announced that it will push ahead with allowing short selling again in March.

The financial authorities haven’t explained much, but experts believe the purpose of calming down the stock market has been overheated recently.

Short selling is an investment technique where you can borrow and sell stocks that do not have short selling, and then buy back when the stock price falls and get a profit.

The threshold is high for individuals, so it is mainly used by foreigners and institutions.

Individual investors rebel.

It is said that there are many times when the stock price has fallen due to the’Do not ask short selling’ of foreigners and institutions.

[정의정/한국주식투자자연합회 대표 : 동학개미들이 한꺼번에 주식시장을 퇴출하는 사태가 벌어질 우려가 있기 때문에 걱정스럽습니다. 막 봄이 시작돼서 꽃망울이 피려는 무렵에 땅에다 얼음물을 끼얹는 행위랑 똑같습니다.]

At this point, there are voices in the political world that the ban on short selling should be extended.

[양향자/더불어민주당 최고위원 : 동학개미가 과감하고 적극적으로 투자할 수 있도록 제도를 점검하고 보완해야 합니다.]

Experts point out that before resuming short selling, it is first to crack down on illegal short selling that still remains in the market to gain the trust of ants.

A typical example is the non-borrowing short selling, starting from selling without borrowing stocks.

[김상봉/한성대 교수 : 불법 공매도 또는 무차입 공매도 같은 경우에는 어느 정도 적발할 시스템을 갖춘 다음에 공매도를 시작해야 될 것 같아요. 그런데 3월 안에 기울어진 운동장이 평평해지지 않을 경우에는 공매도를 시작할 수 없겠죠.]
