Short selling forces begin to endure… Gamestop war gets longer

A hedge fund that lost 22 trillion won in January alone

Short selling still reaches 12 trillion

Gamestop re-explosion… Dow 2%↓

This is a sign that the impact of the GameStop incident, which has caused a big shock wave in the global financial market, will hardly fade. Some hedge funds suffered astronomical losses from short selling gamestops, but many of them went into holding up in anticipation of a decline in stock prices. As the buying trend of ants targeting the short selling forces continues to spread beyond the gamestop to the cryptocurrency and other commodity markets such as bitcoin, the post-gamestop storm is expected to continue in the US Wall Street and global financial markets for the time being.

According to CNBC, a US economy broadcaster on the 30th (local time), the total amount of short-selling GameStop shares is currently worth $11.2 billion (about 12.55 trillion won). Previously, Melvin Capital and Citron Research gave up short selling and liquidated the deal due to a surge in stock prices, but the short selling force remains strong. The gamestop short selling force lost a total of $19.7 billion in this month alone. “Most of the gamestop short selling has been liquidated, but this is wrong,” said Lee Ho Dusaniski, director of financial information analysis firm S3 Partners. “The whole short selling stocks did not move much.”

As a result, an analysis suggests that the stock market still has an ember that can cause volatility. The day before, the major indexes of the New York Stock Market fell by around 2% as Gamestop (67.87%) and AMC Entertainment (53.65%), which had eased trading restrictions, surged again. Along with concerns over the bubble, volatility is growing. In fact, individual investors are reaching out to other stocks and Bitcoin, including Bed Bath and Beyond, which have a lot of short selling.

Some say that it is an investment democratization and a second ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest, but the criticism that the market order is collapsing is not easy. In this regard, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it will simultaneously investigate the possibility of halting private purchase of the trading application Robin Hood and manipulating the stock price of some investors. Strategist Manesh Dashfande Barclays said, “It is unlikely that it will spread to the entire stock market,” he said. “The market will continue to suffer for a while.”

/New York = Correspondent Kim Young-pil [email protected]

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