“Shooting big” Kim Bong-jin, chairman of elegant brothers, pays ‘100 billion won’ stocks and incentives to executives and employees

[FETV=김윤섭 기자] The elegant brothers revealed that through a message from Chairman Kim Bong-jin to employees and riders on the 11th, they announced that they would contribute 100 billion won worth of private assets (shares) to give stocks and give encouragement.

The graceful brothers explained, “It means to express our gratitude to those who have been one of the pillars of the company’s growth, and to cooperate more closely to share the fruits of future growth.”

In a message to the riders, Chairman Kim said, “Many people are having a hard day because of the corona. But, if it were not for the riders who delivered food, I would like to think about how everyone would have had this difficult time.”

“As the head of a family and as the company’s manager, I have a heartfelt appreciation to the riders. There is still a long way to go, but the efforts of the riders have been a great help in helping us grow into the same company today. “Thank you very much for being with us in the meantime.”

In addition, he said, “I would like to deliver my personal gift with gratitude for your hard work so far before entering Asia and taking a bigger challenge.”

First of all, stocks will be given to elegant brothers and employees, and stocks or cash incentives will be given to long-term riders and irregular employees of B Mart, depending on the target. A total of 2,100 stocks are eligible for donation, and a total of 2,200 encouraging funds are eligible for donation.

The employee’s gifted shares will be received three years later according to the terms of the contract with DH, and the shares given to paid riders are expected to be paid immediately next month.

First of all, the executives and employees who receive Chairman Kim’s personal stock are the elegant brothers, elegant young people, and all members of overseas subsidiaries (Vietnam, Japan) who joined by February 28, 2021. Regardless of position or performance, stocks are differentially paid according to the working period. Those who entered after 2020 are equivalent to 20 million won, and those who entered the past differ depending on the length of service. It is equivalent to an average of about 50 million won per employee. There is no mandatory tenure, and even if you leave before 2024, which is the stock payment period, all are granted.

The policy is to donate stocks to Ji-Ip-based riders who are not employees of the Wooah Hyeon brothers. This applies to all riders who maintain a contract for more than one year and deliver more than 20 cases per day for more than 200 days a year. Shares worth 2 million to 5 million won are granted per person, depending on the period of work.

Among the riders who do not meet the requirements for stock grants, such as new hires, 1,390 people who have delivered more than a certain number of cases will receive an encouragement amount of 1 million won per person.

B Mart’s crew (warehouse staff) who are non-regular workers and 830 employees on a fixed-term basis are also provided with an incentive amount of 1 million to 1.5 million won per person.

LMS is provided to employees and riders subject to stock grants. The rider app will be notified of future procedures. In addition, it plans to arrange a separate lifespan of dedicated guide personnel in the call center for guidance.

An official of the elegant brothers said, “This stock donation is to dispose of the stocks held by Chairman Kim, separate from the property for social rehabilitation promised through Giving Pledge.” As soon as it is completed, we plan to reveal it soon.”
