Shinsegae·Lotte, baseball and distribution are’crashing’-eNews Today

[사진=SSG닷컴] is holding a large-scale discount event for’LANDERS WEEK’ for a week from the 5th to the 11th. [사진=SSG닷컴]

[이뉴스투데이 신하연 기자] Shinsegae and Lotte, two of the distribution BIG 2, are having a fierce battle over baseball-distribution marketing. The provocation of vice chairman Jeong Yong-jin, Shinsegae Vice Chairman of SSG Landers, which was officially launched on the 30th of last month, is spreading into a distribution marketing competition.

The match between the SSG Landers and the Lotte Giants, which were scheduled to face off at the opening game of the Korean Professional Baseball (KBO) on the 3rd, was delayed to the 4th due to the cancellation of rain, but the confrontation has already begun in the distribution discount game. is holding a large-scale discount event for’LANDERS WEEK’ for a week from the 5th to the 11th. was set up as the largest during the first half of the event by increasing the payment benefits through the exclusive proceedings.

In addition to various discount events such as coupon issuance, event card discount, and reward benefits, it attracts attention by proposing related products for watching baseball and cheering.

For the’home-gwanjok’ watching baseball at home, we prepared foods such as TV, beam projector, etc., video equipment, snacks, easy-to-use meals (HMR), and snacks. Baseball items such as baseball gloves and sunscreen are also sold at a discount for customers who watch directly at the baseball field.

During the same period, the’SSG Landers Fan Authentication Event’ using social network service (SNS) will also be held.

Lotte Mart is holding a large-scale distribution discount event held for a total of four times in April. [사진=롯데쇼핑]

Earlier, Vice Chairman Chung said, “You need to stimulate the other party to stimulate the competition between Shinsegae and Lotte,” in the voice-based social media’Club House’ dialogue on the 2nd. When there is an article saying that Rang Shinsegae is fighting, you will learn and watch baseball.”

On the 30th of last month, he told Lotte, “We are not able to connect the main business (distribution) and baseball with each other.” In the game, even if we can lose, we will surely win in marketing.”

Lotte was also aware of this, and on the 1st Lotte On (ON) homepage announced the news of the opening game commemorative event, and put the phrase’Go on an expedition and win, ON’. Suuung means New World (SSG).

Lotte Mart is also holding a large-scale distribution discount event held for a total of 4 rounds in April. A total of 2000 items, including fresh foods, wine markets, and ESG products, were prepared with a scale of 100 billion won.

Lotte Mart Marketing Division head Lee Sang-jin said, “We have prepared a record level to plan this Mart Daejeon in conjunction with the opening game of the Lotte affiliate baseball team and the founding event. I look forward to it.

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