Shinhan Card, 3 new business headquarters newly established, etc. Young talent born in the 70s

Input 2020-12-30 09:21 | Revision 2020-12-30 09:27

Shinhan Card carried out reorganization and regular greetings in 2021 on the 30th.

A promotion team dedicated to the three major new businesses based on data and digital was established at the headquarters level, and the organization that acquired business licenses and planned, developed, and operated platforms was promoted to the department level.

The three new businesses are ▲’consumption-oriented lifestyle finance platform’ that implements all financial services ranging from payment, financial products, and asset management ▲’Life Platform’ that provides customized services and non-financial benefits tailored to individual lifestyles based on My Data ‘▲It refers to the’individual business finance platform’ that comprehensively provides financial support for individual business owners and affiliate store operation support such as fund management and marketing.

The’Platform Biz Committee’ under the leadership of the CEO that comprehensively supports the three new businesses, the Group’s Total Open Digital Platform (TODP), and Shinhan Mycar, etc. It plans to actively promote.

To reinforce competitiveness in response to the new normal era, an omni-channel marketing system has been established that goes beyond the boundaries of online and offline. The digital sales execution organization was fully deployed, and the affiliated store marketing organization was reorganized to target the simple payment and distribution market.

In addition, by reinforcing the front and rear organizations of the auto-financial business division, which has grown significantly over the past few years, the company sought to diversify its profit structure through continued growth of the multi-finance business and securing market competitiveness.

Shinhan Card also conducted personnel to strengthen’digital leadership’.

A large number of young and progressive talents, such as headquarters and department heads born in the 70s, were selected to strengthen organizational dynamics and to respond quickly to the new normal era and rapidly changing digital environment.

The digital talent pool was expanded by reinforcing digital competencies and the rotational arrangement of human resources development perspectives, and the digital innovation of products and services was supported not only in the digital organization but also in the sales field through the connection with the card, which is the primary business.

In the era of untact, the’Smart Working Place’ based on separate work has also been expanded to enable constant digital work that goes beyond space constraints. In addition to the existing Daejeon and Busan, new office spaces were established and operated in Daegu and Jeju, so that even if you are not working at the Seoul headquarters, you can efficiently promote work in the office near your home in the province.

President Lim Young-jin said, “The reorganization was carried out from the perspective of securing leadership in future new businesses to become a’life & finance platform’ company,” said “Shinhan Financial Group plays a role in helping to achieve’first class Shinhan’. I will do it faithfully.”

The Life & Finance platform company presented by President Lim at the 13th anniversary ceremony represents the future of providing the best products and services to customers through a new business model based on data and digital beyond the existing card industry and finance. .

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