Shin-soo Choo should go to the Olympics… If you call me, of course

Shin-soo Choo should go to the Olympics...

[엑스포츠뉴스 인천공항, 김현세 기자] Can Choo Shin-soo be seen at the Olympics?

Choo Shin-soo entered Korea through Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 on the 25th. After entering the country, Shin-soo Choo received a uniform from the club officials and wore an Incheon uniform with Shinsegae and E-Mart on both arms and the logo on his chest and waved. Choo Shin-soo is planning to join the club after self-isolation for two weeks according to the guidelines for quarantine against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). He conducted remote interviews with reporters to comply with the quarantine guidelines.

Choo Shin-soo came to the Korean stage in 20 years. Unbelievable. I always had spring camp in Arizona at this time, but I can’t believe I’m in Korea right now. “I was excited,” saying, “I was separated from my family, but it was a difficult decision. The children were struggling. My wife also struggled a lot. It was hard to see. He said, “I come to Korea once or twice every year, but the steps on the plane were heavy.”

It is evaluated as a good news for the Korean baseball team. Choo Shin-soo, who has a 16-year career in the major leagues, has been able to participate in the Tokyo Olympics. Japan’s Full Count wrote that’If Choo Shin-soo joins, it will be a threat.’ Choo Shin-soo believes that it is the beginning of the KBO League adaptation. After that, he said he would be willing to participate if he had good grades and was selected. He said, ‘I will have to make enough grades.’ It is difficult to talk about it quickly. He said that it is a place to go if you become skilled and call. Although Choo Shin-soo is not included in the preliminary list of last year’s Tokyo Olympics, KBO said that he could be selected if both his grades and his intention to participate are met.

Shin-soo Choo should go to the Olympics...

Shinsegae, which takes over SK Wyverns, announced on the 23rd that it had signed an annual salary of 2.7 billion won with free agent Choo Shin-soo. SK specifically nominated Shin-soo Choo in 2007, and Shinsegae announced that it has been actively promoting the recruitment of Shin-soo Choo, who is receiving attention from multiple major league teams. Shinsegae expects that the recruitment of Shin-Soo Choo will not only make it possible to show more interesting games to professional baseball fans, but it will also be a great help in regaining the reputation of a prestigious club.

Shin-soo Choo said,’SK is the best club. I know it is a good team that has won many times. Now it has become a new world, and I hope that it will continue well.” In the past, the KBO league was evaluated as double A or triple A, but now the level has risen a lot. High school was the last in Korea. I will play with the determination that it is my first time in Korean baseball,” he said.

[email protected] / Photo = Incheon International Airport, reporter Kim Han-jun

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