Shin Hyun-young “Corona vaccine in major countries, one of the three is AstraZeneca”

[이데일리 이정현 기자] Among the corona vaccines obtained in 12 countries including the United States, the AstraZeneca vaccine was the most.

Sim Hyun-young, a member of the Democratic Party (Photo = Yonhap News)

According to the’Corona Vaccine Security Status by Major Countries including the United States, EU, India, etc.’, which was submitted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare by Democrat Shin Hyun-young and released on the 24th, AstraZeneca out of about 560 million doses of vaccines secured by 12 major countries It was found that it accounted for 18.5 billion doses, 36.6%. Nova Bax at 1.29 billion doses (25.4%), Pfizer at 6.2 billion doses (12.2%), Sanofi-GSK at 5.3 billion doses (10.5%), Janssen at 3.9 billion doses (7.7%), and Modena at 3.8 billion doses (7.6 %).

In the United States, where Pfizer and Modena vaccines were first approved and vaccinated, the two vaccines accounted for 20% of the total amount of vaccines secured. The EU accounted for 34% and the UK at only 15%.

The low ratio of Pfizer and Moder or vaccines appears to be due to the fact that although mRNA vaccines were approved first, the actual production volume was limited. According to foreign media, vaccinations for general citizens in the United States and the United Kingdom are also scheduled to be conducted through AstraZeneca and NovaVax, and AstraZeneca is the most secured quantity.

Rep. Shin said, “We are regretful that it would have been good if we had acquired Pfizer, Modder, or vaccines a little earlier, but there is a reasonable basis for the government’s judgment that has secured a lot of highly stable vector vaccines such as AstraZeneca.” If you look at the state of securing vaccines in the country, you can see that not only Korea but also other countries are making similar judgments and preparations.”

“In the future, securing the amount of vaccine and signing a contract is important, but there are many more important issues such as establishing a cold chain system and preparing an inoculation institution, determining priority vaccination, and preparing a medical response and compensation system in the event of abnormal cases. He emphasized that the government as well as the opposition parties must work together to prepare conditions so that vaccination can be quickly and efficiently and stably when entering Korea.”
