Shin Hyun-soo’s thanks野 “Lame Duck Signal” vs. 與 “Opposition Separation”

Shin Hyun-soo’s thanks野 “Lame Duck Signal” vs. 與 “Opposition Separation”

Revision 2021.02.19 12:34Input 2021.02.19 12:34

People’s Power “Promoting attendance at the National Assembly on the 24th”

[아시아경제 오주연 기자, 금보령 기자] While Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive of the Blue House, went on a two-day vacation, the politics of war broke out. The people’s power interpreted the wave of death as a lame duck signal, while the Democratic Party of Korea accused the opposition of the opposition’s criticism of being alienated.

At a meeting of the People’s Power Emergency Response Committee on the 19th, Rep. Kim Seong-won said, “The lame duck of the Moon Jae-in regime is getting deeper due to the wave of the senior civilian administration.” Said. Ho-young Joo also said on the previous day, “Because unusual things are frequent, aren’t the key aides who have been appointed for only one month rebelling and expressing their gratitude?”

Shin Hyun-soo's thanks野
Ho-young Joo, the representative of the People’s Power, is speaking at the in-hospital countermeasure meeting held at the National Assembly on the 19th. / Reporter Yoon Dong-ju doso7@

On this day, the president of the hospital criticized the Blue House staff for asking not to mention the President. “Is the president a divine entity on the cloud?”

Former lawmaker Geum Tae-seop said on Facebook, “The president is not the king,” and said, “What is the difference from the Blue House, Park Geun-hye, who was angry when only talked about the responsibility of the president?” He also said, “If the Minister of Justice agrees with the chief and receives a presidential approval, it is a deception against the head of the administration, and if the chief approves against the will of the president, it must be immediately corrected.”

The Democratic Party is in an atmosphere that refrains from commenting on the wave of righteousness. The highest ranking held on this day criticized the MB government’s illegal inspections of the NIS, but he did not say a word about Chief Shin. However, in response to reporters’ questions, he said, “It is not appropriate to discuss personnel issues in a large gathering place,” and that “a few high-level communication continues.” Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Jae-soo pointed out on the radio that “it’s something that can be done enough in the process of personnel coordination.”

Reporter Oh Joo-yeon [email protected]
Reporter Geum Boryeong [email protected]
