Shin Ayoung became a director of the Football Association |

Middle Korean Football Association female executives
Shin A-young announcer Appointment of Director of Football Association
Professor Eunah Hong is also the first female vice president

Shin Ayoung / Photo = Hankyung DB

Shin Ayoung / Photo = Hankyung DB

Announcer Shin A-young (34) became a director of the Korea Football Association.

On the 27th, the Korean Football Association (KFA) held a general meeting of delegates at the soccer center in the Seoul newspaper. For the first time in the history of the Korean Football Association, a female vice-chairman was born, and the ratio of women in executives was also increased.

Announcer Shin A-young was elected as the new director. In the case of the new announcer, it is known that he has been selected as a director with Kim Jin-hee (40), game supervisor, in order to reflect various voices from the field in the policy.

Announcer Shin A-young joined SBS ESPN in 2011 and entered the broadcasting industry. He was loved by football fans and became a’football goddess’.

Announcer Shin Ah-young, who speaks three languages ​​including English, German, and Spanish, is famous for being a Harvard graduate. In addition, as he completed an internship at the Royal Bank of Scotland, one of the world’s five largest banks, the history of the’Financial Tong’ family attracted attention. Announcer Shin A-young’s father was known as Shin Je-yoon, former chairman of the Financial Services Commission, and became a hot topic.

Meanwhile, while Chairman Chung Mong-gyu began his third term as the 54th KFA president, six vice-chairmen were also decided to assist him.

Professor Eunah Hong was named as the first female vice president of the Korean Football Association. He became the youngest Korean international judge in 2003 and was the first non-British referee in the 2010 England Football Association Women’s FA Cup. He also served as a referee for the opening game of the Women’s World Cup under 20 (U-20) and as a referee for the opening game of the first international football federation (FIFA) competition.

After retirement with them, Kim Byung-ji (51), chairman of the Sports Culture Promotion Agency, became vice-president by actively working as a YouTuber.

In addition, Dae-eun Kim (56), president of the Jeonbuk Football Association, and Professor Yong-soo Lee (62), and Sejong University, were appointed as vice-chairmen.

Kim Pan-gon (52), Chairman of the Power Reinforcement Committee, Jo Geun-yeon (60), Chairman of the Competition, Daewoo Yoo (69), Chairman of the Ethics Committee, and Chang-Hee Seo (58), were re-elected. In addition, Lee Chun-soo (40), former head of the Incheon United Electric Power Reinforcement Office, was newly appointed as the chairman of the Social Contribution Committee.

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]

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