Shin Ae-ra reveals a handwritten letter written by her daughter, “I have one more daughter”

Shin Ae-ra
Actor Shin Ae-ra’s daughter’s handwritten letter released on Instagram. Photo = Shin Ae-ra Instagram capture

[아시아경제 김소영 기자] Actor Shin Ae-ra confessed, “I have another daughter.”

Shin Ae-ra posted on her Instagram on the morning of the 9th, “I have one more daughter. My daughter who is not adopted but always lives in my prayers. A pretty daughter I first met in elementary school is a college student who grows up so well and makes me cry. Thank you. She released a letter written by her daughter along with the words “Sun, bless, and I love you, Jin Aya♥”.

In the photo uploaded with this article, there was a handwritten letter that seemed to be carefully written one by one.

The handwritten letter released by Shin Ae-ra contained the contents of her daughter Jin-a, congratulating her mother (Shin Ae-ra)’s birthday and conveying her heart. He said, “There haven’t been one or two things I’ve been grateful for, but if I only want to choose one, I think I’ll choose the one who reached out to me first and became a special mother,” he said.

He said, “Besides this, there are so many things that I am grateful for, so I was always resentful and sorry for not being able to convey all of them on the excuse of not having courage.”

He also listened to receiving a letter written by his mother, holding hands with his mother, hugging his mother, and brushing his hair. “I’ve been living my whole life because I couldn’t do that, but I met Shin Ae-ra’s mother and I was able to do it too,” he expressed his gratitude.

He said, “From some point onwards, you have become a mother who wants to keep seeing in my heart.” “(For me) The word mother was an urgent taboo to hold back tears just by thinking about it, but after meeting my mother, I wasn’t without me. I remember my mother, Shin Ae-ra, who will only be there.”

He added, “My mom has become a very special and precious person to me, so I was very careful, so it was late to communicate my heart properly.” He added, “Thank you for making me a special daughter. I want to be a person like a mother.”

Accordingly, actors Jin Tae-hyun and Park Si-eun couple, comedian Hong Hyun-hee, Shim Jin-hwa, and broadcaster Jang Young-ran cheered, saying, “This is a pretty daughter. I respect you.”

Intern reporter Kim So-young [email protected]
