Shin Ae-ra “I have one more daughter…I grow up well and makes me cry” inspirational letter released

News1 DB, Shin Ae-ra Instagram © News1

Actor Shin Ae-ra reveals the letter, telling her that she has another daughter she first met in elementary school, giving a calm impression

On the 9th, Shin Ae-ra released a letter written by Jin-A on her birthday along with a post on her social network service (SNS) stating “I have one more daughter.”

In this letter, Jin-ah said, “Thank you for reaching out to me first and becoming a special mother.” , My mother brushed my hair… My whole life, I was living because I couldn’t do that, but I met Shin Ae-ra’s mother and I was able to do it too.”

“From when, without knowing, he became a mother that I wanted to see in my heart.” “The word mother was an urgent taboo to hold back tears just by thinking about it. “I’m flying” and expressed my gratitude.

Jin-ah added, “My mother has become a very special and precious person to me, so it was late to convey my heart,” he added. “Thank you for making me a special daughter.”

Shin Ae-ra said, “My daughter, who always lives in my prayers, although she is not adopted, and the pretty daughter I first met when I was in elementary school grows so well as a college student and makes me cry.” Expressed a lot.

Meanwhile, Shin Ae-ra married Cha In-pyo and Shin Ae-ra in 1995, and they have two daughters who were adopted publicly with a son Cha Jung-min.

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