Shim Hyung-rae 11 years after divorce, it’s good to live alone. Tears

When it comes to gag, Shim Hyung-rae appeared as a guest on JTBC’s’I Can’t Be #1′, which aired on the night of the 3rd, and introduced his life twist.
Sim Hyung-rae said, “It’s been about 11 years since I was divorced” at the house of Im Mi-sook and Kim Hak-rae.
When Im Mi-sook asked if he had any intention of remarrying, Sim Hyung-rae replied, “I am not married anymore. I like living alone now.”
Im Mi-sook joked, “Are you still waiting for me? Wait five years,” and said, “I hope my brother meets a good person.”
Shim Hyung-rae mentioned the crisis he had experienced while making the film, and said, “People think it’s difficult for me, but sometimes, when I can’t do something, I really despair.”
He added, “I think this is also a process, how will I succeed if it is not hard and I don’t try hard?”
He has received a proposal for a theme park project and is currently discussing it, and he said he is planning to create a comedy content’Permanent TV’.
He worried, “There were a lot of juniors (without work) because all of’Look for a smile’ and’Gecon’ disappeared.”
He said, “How long will we remain in the future? There are things that I’m sorry for my juniors, and if there is my wish, I want to be a good leader and lead them well.”
Sim Hyung-rae said in the studio, “I was interviewed in the past and said,’What do you want to leave on the gravestone when you die?’
He also stole tears by saying, “I can’t stop it like this. I want to live with my juniors by reviving the comedy.”

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