Shearer “Arsenal defending tight midfielder bullet attack creative


[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] English Premier League(EPL) Legendary Alan Shearer reveals how he saw the London Derby.

Arsenal 27Work(Korean time) Held at the Emirates Stadium 2020/21Seasonal English Premier League(EPL) 15Chelsea in the round 3-1Beaten with.

Be sure to win points to reverse the mood 3Arsenal, who needed points, got the victory early.. Overall 34Boone Alexandre Lacazette’s goal ahead, Overall 44Bun Granit Zaka’s fantastic free kick goal 2-0Finished with.

Second half 11Boon Bukayosaka’s extra goal 3I took the lead. Chelsea end the game 5Tommy Abraham’s chase goal broke a minute ago,, There wasn’t enough time to get Arsenal..

Chelsea showed helpless performance.. Especially 7I knelt to Arsenal, who had no victory in the game, and it looked more so. Shearer gave an overall review of the game..

Shearer 2A week ago Arsenal may be demotedSaid. But it seems that my mind has changed.. he is 27Day appearance BBC At Match of the Day If Arsenal came out with the same lineup, it could have been relegated.. Coach Mikel Arteta must have had to come out with a new starter., 6Things made a differenceAnd said.

Following Looking at recent performance, changes were needed.. Arsenal played really hard, Better than Chelsea throughout the game. The defense was tight, The midfielder was solid, The attack team was creativeAnd raised his thumb. It was saying that Director Arteta’s decision made a difference..

On the other hand, for Chelsea Looked very ordinaryWhile Arsenal was much better. Emil Smith Rowe, Gabriel Martinelli, Young players such as Bukayosaka were impressive. Chelsea was terrible(Chelsea were awful really)”Criticized.

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