‘Seven minutes of fear’ broke through… The moment of’Personality’ landing on Mars

The US Mars rover has successfully landed on Mars. Shortly after landing, we set out on a mission to find traces of life.

Reporter Kim Jung-ki’s report.


NASA’s fifth Mars exploration rover,’Pursorance’, has settled in the’example crater’, which is believed to be the ancient delta of Mars, the Associated Press reported.

U.S. Mars rover successful landing at Perservation

After launching on July 30 of last year, Perseverance flew 475 million kilometers to reach Mars.

NASA says Perseverance has passed through the pale orange Mars atmosphere, making it through its most dangerous mission section.

The process of entering, descending, and landing on Mars’ atmosphere is called the ‘7 minutes of horror’ because of the most demanding and high-risk flight of Perservance.

Due to the long distance between Mars and Earth, the Mars settlement signal sent by Perservance to the NASA control station reached Earth 11 minutes and 30 seconds after landing.

[로리 그레이즈/NASA 책임 연구원 : 탐사 로버 퍼서비어런스의 목적은 화성에 생명체가 있었는지를 보고 이해하는 것입니다.]

Perseverance will be tasked with finding traces of ancient life that may have existed on Mars and collecting soil and rock samples to bring to Earth.

As an example of where Perservance landed, the craters are estimated to be the delta where the river flowed 4 billion years ago, where it is expected to find traces of organic molecules and other microbes.

The United States is planning a manned expedition to Mars in 2030.

The perspective is the size of a car with a length of 3 m and has six wheels, and is equipped with high-performance equipment such as a camera, microphone, laser, and drill.

The largest and most sophisticated NASA Mars rover to date.
