Seoul’s possession of’Park Won-soon phone’ …

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Yoon Dong-jin = Attorney Kim Jae-ryeon, a lawyer on the victim's side in the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, on the morning of the 14th, when a former Seoul Mayor's secretary accused of sexually assaulting a fellow public official was sentenced to imprisonment and detained in court. Are doing.  2021.1.14

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Yoon Dong-jin = Attorney Kim Jae-ryeon, a lawyer on the victim’s side in the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, on the morning of the 14th, when a former Seoul Mayor’s secretary accused of sexually assaulting a fellow public official was sentenced to imprisonment and detained in court. Are doing. 2021.1.14 [email protected]

It was confirmed that the late Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon’s business cell phone was returned to the bereaved after passing through the police and the Seoul Metropolitan Government. As the investigation was terminated due to no public prosecution rights, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the bereaved family requested the return. However, as the court recently recognized Mayor Park’s sexual harassment as a fact, the victims are strongly opposed.

According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the police on the 15th, Mayor Park’s business cell phone was returned to the bereaved on the 5th. Cell phones are originally owned by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. On the 29th of last month, Seoul requested the police to return the cell phone. On the 30th of last month, the day after the investigation ended, the police obtained permission from the prosecution and handed over the mobile phone to the city of Seoul. On the 5th of this month, the Seoul Metropolitan Government received a request to change the name for the transfer of ownership of the bereaved family, and on the same day, the mobile phone was handed over.

The mobile phone is known to contain text messages and photos related to the alleged sexual harassment of Mayor Park. For this reason, the victims also submitted a mobile phone forensic request to the central district prosecutor in charge of the case last week. According to the victim’s lawyer Jae-ryeon Kim, even the prosecutor in charge at the time could not properly determine the location of the mobile phone.

Attorney Kim strongly criticized the passing of his mobile phone by posting on Facebook that day. He said, “What’s so urgent?!” and asked, “The city of Seoul requested the police to return the cell phone, but for what reason did you ask for the lion’s cell phone back?” “The city of Seoul seems to have handed over the returned cell phone to the bereaved family,” he said.

It was also said that the request to return the cell phone could be another harm to the victim. “Did you think of the victim once when requesting the return of the mobile phone, or did you think of the victim when you handed over the mobile phone, which is a public asset in Seoul, to the bereaved?” He stressed that the victim, which Seoul City overlooks, is still a public official belonging to the Seoul City Hall.

Earlier, Section 31 of the Seoul Central District Court’s Criminal Agreement (President Judge Cho Sung-pil) sentenced A, a former Seoul Mayor’s secretary, who was charged with a semi-rape punishment, to imprisonment for three years and six months and imprisoned in court. The judge said, referring to the cause-and-effect relationship of the victim’s post-traumatic stress disorder, “it must be true that the victim suffered a considerable amount of mental suffering from Park’s sexual harassment.” The victim of the trial is the same person who was sexually harassed by Mayor Park.

Reporter Jang Ju-young [email protected]
