Seoul Metropolitan Assembly Democratic Party urges full investigation of’real estate speculation’ for public officials including elected

Seoul City Council Chairman Kim In-ho is giving an opening remark at the 299th extraordinary meeting held at the Seoul City Council Main Conference Hall on February 22nd, Seoul. News 1

The Seoul Metropolitan Assembly and Democratic Party insisted that Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) employees conduct a full-scale survey of real estate speculation on public officials in Seoul, including elected employees, in connection with allegations of land speculation by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH).

All members of the Democratic Party of the city council said on the 16th, “As elected public officials, the scope should be expanded to include metropolitan/basic councilors, district mayors, high-ranking officials in Seoul, and those involved in the Seoul Housing and Urban Corporation (SH Corporation). You have to be punished.”

He then urged, “The relevant agency responsible for investigating real estate speculation should not go left and right, but should determine the institution and start the investigation so that the investigation can be initiated immediately.”

101 out of 110 members of the Seoul City Council are a member of the Democratic Party. As the ruling and opposition parties have already agreed to a full investigation of members of the National Assembly, including a special prosecution for LH land dumping, they explain that publicity should be restored through a full investigation of city officials and real estate-related workers of SH Corporation.

Democratic Party Representative Sang-ho Cho (4 Seo Dae-moon) said, “This LH employee speculation case should be taken as a part of the deeply rooted real estate obstruction in our society, so we should take this opportunity as an opportunity to transform the perception of real estate. I do” he emphasized.

On the 17th, the Seoul Justice Party and the city councilor Kwon Soo-jeong will also hold a press conference with the main idea of ​​urging the Seoul Metropolitan Government to investigate the real estate speculation of public officials.

Park Minsik reporter

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