Seoul mayor’s three-way showdown… Se-Hoon Oh 35% Young-Seon Park 33% Chul-Soo Ahn 25%

Ahn Cheol-soo, president of the People's Party, Park Young-sun, the Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, and Heo Myung, the chairman of the Korean Women's Association, and Oh Se-hoon, the Mayor of the People's Power, are taking commemorative photos at the World Women's Day event held on the 8th. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationAhn Cheol-soo, president of the People’s Party, Park Young-sun, the Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, and Heo Myung, the chairman of the Korean Women’s Association, and Oh Se-hoon, the Mayor of the People’s Power, are taking commemorative photos at the World Women’s Day event held on the 8th. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

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In the 4·7 Seoul Mayor’s by-election approval rating, it was found that in a three-party confrontation, Candidate Se-hoon Oh, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon, and Nationalist Party candidate Ahn Cheol-soo.

Real Meter, a specialized public opinion poll, was commissioned by the Munhwa Ilbo, targeting 1030 adult men and women in Seoul from the 13th to the 14th, and targeting’Seoul Mayoral candidate approval rate (response rate of 1.7%, sample error of 95%, confidence level of ±3.1% points) As a result of an investigation into the three-way confrontation, Candidate Oh recorded 35.6%. After Oh, Park was counted at 33.3% and Ahn at 25.1%.

In the bilateral confrontation scheme, a survey result showed that a single candidate for the opposition outperforms candidate Park in the passport by a large margin. In the bilateral confrontation with Candidate Oh, Candidate Oh was 54.5%, and Candidate Park 37.4%, respectively. In the bilateral confrontation with Candidate Ahn, 55.3% of Ahn and 37.8% of Park were found. For more information, refer to the website of the Central Election Survey and Deliberation Committee. Realmeter analyzed the reason why Candidate Oh made progress in the three-way confrontation, “It was not because Candidate Oh and the people’s strength was good, but because he enjoyed a reflection of the alleged speculation by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH).”

“Seoul is more sensitive to real estate issues than any other region,” said Bae Cheol-ho, a real meter expert. “The LH crisis has emerged as an election issue and support is gathering as candidate Oh, the 1st opposition candidate.”

[우승준 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
