‘Seoul Mayor’s Auxiliary’ Park Young-sun, ranked first in both bilateral and three-way battles [레이더P]

For the first time, 10 days after Park Young-sun, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business (Democratic Party) officially declared a run for the Seoul Mayor by-election, the first investigation that leads both in bilateral and three-way confrontation with opposition candidates came out. The ‘The Conservative Opposition Single Candidate Victory Theory’, put forward by National Assembly Representative Ahn Chul-soo, has been shaken from the beginning of the election.

Park Young-sun, a preliminary candidate of the Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, is having a meeting with officials on the 4th to visit the non-face-to-face mobile laundry service company, Lundrigo, located in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationPark Young-sun, a preliminary candidate of the Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, is having a meeting with officials on the 4th to visit the non-face-to-face mobile laundry service company, Lundrigo, located in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. [사진 = 연합뉴스]

According to the results of the Sisa Journal’s commissioned by Jowon C&I on the 5th of a survey conducted on 1,000 Seoul citizens on the 1st and 2nd, former Minister Park was superior within the margin of error regardless of whether the conservative opposition candidate was unified.

In the bilateral confrontation between former Minister Park and Representative Ahn, which is of greatest interest, Park surpassed President Ahn (36.8%) with 41.0%. In the meantime, former Minister Park has conducted a preliminary investigation in the three-way confrontation between Representative Ahn and Candidate of People’s Strength, but this is the first time he has won the bilateral confrontation with Ahn. It is interpreted that he declared the run for the last time, but at once he shook the Mayor of Seoul into a composition led by him.

In a confrontation with former National Power Congressman Na Gyeong-won, former Minister Park appeared to have an edge outside the margin of error. Former Minister Park was 41.7% and former lawmaker Na 33.7%.

When a three-way confrontation with former Minister Park, former Congressman Na, and Representative Ahn took place, former Minister Park took the first place with a margin of 38.4%. I, former lawmakers ranked second (22.6%), and Ahn ranked third (21.6%). From Ahn’s point of view, if the `#1 approval rating` is shaken, a struggle is expected in the process of unification of candidates and the power of the people in the future.

In terms of the suitability of a pan-passport candidate, former Minister Park was 56.5%, more than twice as much as Democratic Party member Woo Sang-ho (22.6%). In the pan-opposition candidate suitability, CEO Ahn ranked first with 33.8%. I was the former lawmaker (26.2%), and Oh Se-hoon, the former mayor of Seoul (20.5%).

This survey has a sample error of ±3.1% and a confidence level of 95%. For more information, please refer to the website of the Central Election Survey Deliberation Committee.

[채종원 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
