Seoul Mayor Bilateral Confrontation Ahn Chul-soo 41.9%, Park Young-sun 39.9%

Input 2021.02.21 23:01 | Revision 2021.02.22 00:07

As a result of a virtual bilateral confrontation in the Seoul Mayor’s by-election on April 7th, the results of a public opinion poll that Ahn Cheol-soo, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Businesses Park Young-seon, who was running as a candidate for the Democratic Party, were found to be ahead of It came out on the 21st.

Ahn Chul-soo, President of the National Assembly Party and Park Young-sun, Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business. /Newsis

PNR Research asked 814 citizens of Seoul on the 18th to 19th at the request of Money Today and the Institute for Future Korea,’Which candidate to support if CEO Ahn and Candidate Park meet tomorrow?’ %. 39.9% of respondents said they would elect Park candidate. With a difference of 2.0% points, it is within the margin of error (±3.4% points at 95% confidence level).

When former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, the power of the people as a single candidate for opposition, is running for a 42.9% approval rating, it is found that Park will lead the former lawmaker (38.0%) within an error range. Assuming that former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon will be a single candidate for the opposition, the approval rating of former Minister Park was 41.5%, nearly 10 percentage points ahead of former Mayor Oh (31.6%).

When asked about the meaning of this election, 48.5% of respondents said,’We need to empower the opposition party for the ruling party’s judgment’, and 40.0% answered’we need to empower the ruling party to stabilize the state’. For more information, refer to the website of the Central Election Polls Review Committee.
