Seoul house purchase burden index is the highest in 12 years… The quantity index is the lowest ever

Housing Finance Research Institute survey based on the fourth quarter of last year

[출처: 한국주택금융공사 주택금융연구원]

[출처: 한국주택금융공사 주택금융연구원]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Lim Soo-jeong Kim Yeon-sook = Amid the rapid rise in real estate prices, the burden of purchasing Seoul houses in the fourth quarter of last year soared to the highest level in 12 years.

On the other hand, the amount of housing in Seoul where middle-income households can live was the lowest ever.

According to the Korea Housing Finance Corporation’s Housing Finance Research Institute on the 14th, the housing purchase burden index (K-HAI) in Seoul in the fourth quarter of last year was 153.4, up 8.9 points from the previous quarter (144.5).

This is the highest in 12 years since the fourth quarter of 2008 (157.8).

The home purchase burden index is an index that represents the repayment burden when middle-income households receive standard loans to purchase middle-priced homes.

The index of 100 means that 25% of income is paid as repayment of the principal and interest of a home purchase mortgage loan.

The national average home purchase burden index recorded 57.4, up 5.1 points from the previous quarter (52.3).

This is the highest figure in about three years since the third quarter of 2018 (57.5).

In 16 cities and provinces (excluding Sejong), the housing purchase burden index all increased from the previous quarter.

In particular, Gyeonggi (68.9→76.4), Busan (54.2→61.3), Daejeon (58.0→61.9), and Daegu (60.3→64.1) showed a significant increase.

Compared to this, Jeonbuk (27.2→27.4), Gangwon (30.6→31.1), and Chungbuk (30.4→30.9) showed little increase.

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

On the other hand, the housing purchase quantity index (K-HOI), which is the ratio of the number of suitable homes for middle-income households, fell sharply.

At the end of last year, the Seoul housing purchase volume index reached 6.2, the lowest level since 2012, when related statistics began to be prepared.

The housing purchase quantity index is based on the net assets and income of a middle-income household and calculates the percentage of housing that can be bought among apartments in the area when a loan is received.

In the case of Seoul, this means that only 6.2% of the total apartments in Seoul can be bought by middle-income households even with loans.

Last year, the national home purchase volume index was 56.9, down 8.7 points from the previous year.

The rise in the housing purchase burden index and the decline in the housing purchase quantity index, centered on Seoul, are interpreted as a result of a sharp rise in housing prices, strengthened loan regulations, and contracted supply.

“The median apartment price in Seoul exceeded 900 million won, and the median price of apartments in Seoul and the metropolitan area from 2015 to 2020 continues to rise.” “The price gap with the metropolitan area is widening,” he analyzed.

The government promised to expand the supply of large-scale housing through the 2·4 supply plan in response to the surge in real estate prices, but there are also concerns that the housing supply schedule could be disrupted due to suspicion of land speculation by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH).

[출처: 한국주택금융공사 주택금융연구원]

[출처: 한국주택금융공사 주택금융연구원]

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