Seoul 144 newly confirmed…100 units on the 31st day

Recorded increase on the third day

The appearance of the temporary screening clinic at Seoul Station Square on the morning of the 7th. /yunhap news

The number of new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in Seoul continued to be around 100 on the 31st.

The city of Seoul announced that the number of corona19 confirmed cases that occurred the day before as of 0 o’clock on the 7th was 144. 1 more than the 143 recorded on the 5th.

The daily number of confirmed cases in Seoul was around 100 for 31 days from the 7th of last month to the 6th of this month. On the 2nd of this month, it soared to 188 people, then decreased from 172 people to 126 people over the next two days, and then increased again to 143 people → 144 people for the third day.

The number of tests per day increased by 4,000 from 24,969 on the 4th to 29,026 on the 5th. Accordingly, the confirmation rate on the next day of the examination decreased slightly from 0.6% on the 5th to 0.5% on the 6th. The average daily number of tests and the confirmation rate during the last 15 days were 21,645 and 0.6%, respectively.

There were 141 new confirmed cases in Seoul on the 6th, with domestic infections and 3 overseas inflows. Of the domestic infections, 36 were confirmed by anonymous tests at the temporary screening laboratory.

As the aftermath of group infection continues, the number of confirmed cases is increasing. At the Seodaemun-gu sports facility, one user was first confirmed on the 2nd, followed by 9 other users, 1 family member, and 4 acquaintances, and the cumulative confirmed number was 16. By the day before, 49 of the 114 subjects tested were negative, and 50 are undergoing tests. The quarantine authorities are temporarily closing the facility and investigating additional contacts and infection routes. Regarding the Gwangjin-gu pub, the number of confirmed patients was 69 (58 in Seoul), with 4 additional people added the day before as other restaurant users visited by the confirmed person were serially infected.

As of 0 o’clock on the 7th, the cumulative total of confirmed cases in Seoul was 25,167. 3,737 patients were in quarantine, and 21,092 were discharged from the hospital after being cured. The number of Corona 19 deaths in Seoul increased by 5 in 24 hours to 338 people.

/ Reporter Kim Chang-young [email protected]

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