Seong-ju Kim’s son, Min-guk Kim, counseling on the life of a victim of abuse “Don’t let the past hold back

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Broadcaster Kim Seong-joo’s son, Kim Min-guk, drew attention by giving clear advice and comfort to victims of school violence.

On the 11th, Kim Min-guk had a Q&A time with netizens through his SNS.

He said, “I’m very distressed these days because I remember being bullied by harassment (school violence). I have to move forward, but I can’t. When asked by a netizen who asked, “Is I abnormal?” “The chain that holds my ankles binds me and is difficult to break. But if I don’t quit, only me is sick and only me is difficult. Don’t let the past hold me back. Please go ahead,” he replied.

“I’m in high school now, and the kids swear with my dream face, so I was so sad to ignore it. To other netizens who confessed that their pride is also hurting a lot,” he said, “I make only one pledge. Let’s see who will be funny later.” He gave a clear advice and drew attention.

Kim Min-guk said, “The moment I want to release everything has come. I really want to receive advice from someone, so I leave it.” Let the tigers rush underneath, but don’t let go. It will surely be the sun and the moon.”

Kim Min-guk said, “Isn’t it too self-deprecating on my own?” People who can break themselves are the ones who are easy to harden again, so don’t worry about me.”

In 2013, Min-guk Kim and his father Kim Seong-ju participated in MBC entertainment’Dad! ‘Where are you going?’ and received a lot of love. After that, the storm grew and turned 18 this year.

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PhotoㅣKim Min-guk SNS

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
