Seon Woo Eun-suk “Lee Young-ha, it’s not because of an affair, because of a third party” (We got divorced)

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

‘We Got Divorced’ Sunwoo Eun-sook revealed that he was divorced from his ex-husband Lee Young-ha because of a third party.

On the 11th TV Chosun entertainment show’We Got Divorced’, Seonwoo Eun-suk and ex-husband Lee Young-ha talked.

On this day, Lee Young-ha said, “I have no stress. I don’t care about things that have nothing to do with me.”

Then, Seonwoo Eun-suk said, “That’s both an advantage and a disadvantage.” He then recalled the past, saying, “Even though you are legally suing me, you didn’t take my side.”

Lee Young-ha said, “I don’t know what you mean.” In response, Seon Woo Eun-sook said, “I told you to sue because that junior was suing me. He said that he would not be able to live in the entertainment industry because he was a junior.”

In addition, Seon Woo Eun-suk asked, “Don’t you know what’s the biggest reason we got divorced?”

Lee Young-ha continued to ask, “Why did that junior complain about suing?” Seon Woo Eun-suk said, “She sent a lot of messages to her to pretend she didn’t know about this. At that time, he said to me,’I don’t know,’” he said. “I hate that she’s shameless, so why don’t you tell the other guy? The other man called and told me that he was accusing him of spreading false facts and said that he was not working. So I asked Lee Young-ha to check, but he took it out.”

Seon Woo Eun-suk said, “The relationship between myself and I was bad for six months because of this accusation,” and “didn’t our couple keep doing that because of the third party, not our two? “Why does this person not take my side?” I confessed.

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Photo|Capture TV Chosun Broadcasting Screen

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
