Seok-yeol Yoon, I will not deny the politics again… “It’s hard to tell you right now”

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (center) arrives at Daegu High Prosecutor’s Office on the afternoon of the 3rd and answers questions from reporters. Daegu = News 1

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol said on the possibility of advancing into politics on the 3rd, “I am not here to speak.” It is interpreted that the possibility is practically open to the situation where it is being discussed as the influential next presidential election runner of the opposition.

President Yoon arrived at the Daegu High School District Prosecutor’s Office on the same day, and at a meeting with reporters, answered the question,’If there is a request to play a role in politics, are you willing to do politics?’ At least, he did not deny some observations that he could become a politician after he retires from the office of general.

Regarding the fact that Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun asked to be self-respecting in the form of a media interview, he also said, “I have something to say about it.” I have nothing to tell you.” Regarding whether he was willing to meet with Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, Yoon did not respond.

Regarding the question,’Would you resign from the post of president if the promotion of the Heavy Water Administration bill is enforced,’ Yoon answered, “It is difficult to say that right now.” Contrary to the recent press interview saying’I will bet even 100 times as president’, it is interpreted as drawing a line on the possibility of resignation at the moment.

On the other hand, Yoon made a concrete position once again regarding the’opposition to the Heavy Water Administration Act’. He said, “It is the constitutional duty of the state and the government to respond strongly to corruption in all areas of politics, economy, and society to protect the people.” “Responding to corruption is possible only when the investigation, which is the preparation process of the trial, and the court trial activities are organically integrated, because it is necessary to respond to the rule of law according to the principles of due process, guaranteeing the right to defend, and tribunalism. Insisted.

At the same time, he criticized the hard line of passports’ movement to’deprive the prosecution of the right to investigate’ again. “The so-called’prosecution’ (complete deprivation of the prosecution’s right to investigate), which is in progress, is a great violation of the spirit of the constitution,” he said. I think that I am abandoning my responsibilities.”

Jeongwoo Kim reporter

no problem reporter

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