Seohee Han mentions drug charges “Social controversy? I’m stuck with the basics… The police also gives me food” – SPOTVNEWS

▲ Han Seo-hee. YouTube channel screen capture

[스포티비뉴스=정유진 기자] Han Seo-hee, a former singer who recently transformed into a YouTuber, mentioned the charges of smoking cannabis in the past.

On the 9th, a video titled’REC Han Seo-hee Slave Contract Site’ was posted on Han Seo-hee’s personal YouTube channel’Seo Hee Ko Pass’. In the video, Seo-hee Han is writing a content-related contract with the YouTube production team.

When the production crew told Seo-hee Han, “The producer provides an environment for actors to shoot well,” Seo-hee Han asked what kind of environment in detail. The production crew explained, “I will not starve for 12 hours.”

Seohee Han said, “The police station also gives me rice. I also give it when I’m being investigated.”

In addition, hesitantly smiled while hesitating about the obligation of “not to engage in acts that cause social insults (drinking, driving, assault, drugs, etc.) or to damage the dignity” of the contract terms.

The crew, who saw this, emphasized the position that it is the default, saying that “basically it applies to all entertainers. Then Seo-hee Han confessed, saying, “It’s the basic of the basics, but I didn’t follow the basics.”

“I sincerely apologize,” said Han Seo-hee, who expressed a will of reflection, saying, “I am posting a sincere apology on Instagram. I will wear black clothes, and I will make modest makeup. No color tone.” The production crew also helped with “red lip, eye blusher, cheeks can’t touch”.

Going forward, Seo-hee Han made his determination by reading the terms of the contract, such as’appearing on the set at the appointed time’,’Do not behave in violation of the law’, and’Do not fight with the producers and get along with them’.

Seo-hee Han is an aspiring singer who appeared in MBC’s’Great Birth’.He purchased 90g of hemp four times with Big Bang Top in 2017 and smoked seven times. He was sentenced to 870,000 won in additional fines.

In addition, last year, B.I, from iKON, was on the line of investigation on drug charges, but the police submitted a public interest report to the National Rights Commission of Korea stating that the police did not investigate B.I. due to a close relationship with the agency YG Entertainment. This was initially known anonymously by a public interest reporter, but a media at the time revealed that Mr. A, who was involved in the B.I drug suspicion, was Seohee Han, and it was also known that the informant was also Han Seohee.

Spotv News = Reporter Jung Yu-jin [email protected]

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