Seo Ki-ho “Inflated to the level of media competition for nuclear investigation prosecution”

When the arrest warrant filed against the former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Paik Un-gyu was dismissed, voices criticizing the unreasonable public opinion of the prosecution and the media are emerging. It was also evaluated that it was inflated to the level of public offering.

Attorney Ki-ho Seo (formerly a judge, former member of the Justice Party) appeared on KBS Radio’s’Choi Management’s Strongest Preview’ on the morning of the 9th and said, “It was dismissed as expected and was an accurate judgment.” Attorney Seo said, “This case is a problem only when the documents were destroyed by those employees who had deleted the documents in the first place, but I wondered if there is any reason to say that the Minister of Industry directly ordered such things or manipulated the economic feasibility of nuclear power plants.” “In essence, this arrest warrant proved that Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol was an unreasonable investigation to pursue an investigation into the current regime.”

In an inquiry from the host Choi, “Is the prosecution politically inflated in this case?” He criticized.

In addition, attorney Seo also noted the reason why Oh Se-yong, an exclusive judge for the Warrant of the Daejeon District Court, explained in detail that there was no fear of destroying evidence due to the reasons for dismissing the warrant of Minister Baek. Attorney Seo said, “If the reason for dismissal of 570 characters, the judge in charge wrote very specifically why I dismissed this warrant.” “’It was not dismissed in order to notice the political power, but judicially, this would be dismissed sufficiently. I thought it was a good issue.” Attorney Seo said, “I wrote it so specifically that I would be innocent even if I went to the original decision and were prosecuted later,” he argued. “To the judge in charge of the warrant, this is a reason for innocence.”

Attorney Seo explained that although the warrant judge shouldn’t be able to determine whether the crime call is sufficient or not, the warrant judge sometimes uses the expression that the warrant judge lacks a vocation, but that is because it is too obvious.

▲ Attorney Ki-ho Seo appeared in KBS Radio Choi's strongest preview on the morning of the 9th and evaluated the dismissal of the arrest warrant for former Minister Paik Woon-gyu.  Photo = KBS radio video capture
▲ Attorney Ki-ho Seo appeared in KBS Radio Choi’s strongest preview on the morning of the 9th and evaluated the dismissal of the arrest warrant for former Minister Paik Woon-gyu. Photo = KBS radio video capture

Regarding the allegations of abuse of authority and obstruction of business, the lawyer said, “As Secretary Baek said,’It was such a legitimate business that I did for business administration as a secretary’,’There was no fact of violating due process’, and’We manipulated economic evaluation.’ As if there was illegality as an expression, there were a lot of reports in the media, but it was not,” he interpreted as saying, “The judge actually accepted almost all of the clarifications of Minister Baek Un-gyu.”

About the motive of manipulating the evaluation in order to forcefully stop the operation of the nuclear power plant before the economic evaluation of the Wolseong nuclear power plant No. 1 comes out, Seo said, “The prosecution seems to be trying to form a similar composition to the blacklist under the Lee Myung-Park Geun-hye administration. “What is your motivation? It should come out a little, but the motive didn’t come out.” “Therefore, even if this part is reclaimed, there is no possibility to accept it,” Seo emphasized.

Attorney Seo said that it would hurt Yoon with the same result even though Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Doo-bong was retained as a person with the only intention of Yoon.

Despite the deletion of files by three officials of the Ministry of Industry who were charged with arrest or imprisonment, attorney Seo said, “If you look at deleted files, there are many aspects such as backup files, list format, and unnecessary files.” “North Korean nuclear power plant construction files and transfer activities It wasn’t at all, but it was just reviewed by the working-level team, and a lot of small files that weren’t reported to the Blue House were deleted.” Attorney Seo said, “There is no relationship between this and this economic evaluation operation, and there is no report that there are any of the files deleted this time.” “The case itself is different, and the deleted file itself is not related to such economic evaluation operation. There are no related files.”

Choi In-ho, together with the Democratic Party’s chief spokesman, said, “Considering that many people have been concerned and criticized that the prosecution’s unreasonable political investigation of the government’s policy decisions, the judiciary has dismissed the arrest warrant during the pending briefing held at the National Assembly press conference this morning. The dismissal of the arrest warrant was a reasonable decision.” Chief spokesman Choi said, “Even though the early closure of Wolsong Unit 1 was part of the government’s energy conversion policy to protect the people from the dangers caused by the old nuclear power plant, the opposition party made it a target of political dispute and the prosecution “It was an unreasonable political investigation that led to suspicion of political neutrality from the time of the investigation and from the background,” he said. With the dismissal of the warrant of former Minister Baek, the prosecution urged to immediately stop the political investigation into the nuclear power plant safety policy.”

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