Seo Jeong-hee One man is unfair in his lifetime… My ideal type is handsome younger

Seo Jeong-hee /Photo ='You can talk to my sister'

Seo Jeong-hee /Photo =’You can talk to my sister’

Actor Seo Jeong-hee confesses her honest concerns about’love’.

Actor Seo Jeong-hee appears on Christmas Day in SBS Plus’s’You Can Talk to My Sister’, which airs on the 24th, and is expected to catch the eye with honest concerns about love.

Seo Jeong-hee said, “I am so unhappy that there is only one man in my life. After the divorce, I asked for someone to introduce me a lot, but no one confessed to dating.”

“It’s been 6 years since I got divorced, but I’ve been on blind date twice. But when he sees me, he always compliments him, and even a man who said he was a fan from his childhood didn’t receive an after-sales request.”

When Kim Won-hee asked her ideal type, Seo Jeong-hee said, “I only see my face. You just need to be handsome”, making the studio a sea of ​​laughter. Not only that, “I like younger than older. It can cover up to 10 years of age or younger.”

In addition, Seo Jeong-hee said, “I gained about 6kg to make a sexy body after listening to the advice of my daughter Dong-joo.”

The couple manager, who appeared as a special sister for Seo Jeong-hee on this day, surprised everyone by saying “There is one regret” while listening to Seo Jeong-hee’s tearful romance challenge. Afterwards, the couple manager shocked Seo Jung-hee by giving unexpected advice to anyone.

What was the regrettable point of Seo Jeong-hee, pointed out by the couple manager, can be found in SBS Plus’You Can Talk to My Sister’ at 9 pm on Thursday the 24th.

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]

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