Seo Jang-Hoon “Hyun Joo-yeop suspected of being abusive? Dispatch

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Minji Kim = While basketball player Hyun Joo-yup strongly denied allegations of school violence, this time, Seo Jang-hoon expressed the position that it was embarrassing to be mentioned as a witness regardless of his will. Seo Jang-hoon is also a former basketball player and is a senior in middle and high school for Hyun Joo-yeop.

Seo Jang-hoon’s agency Mystic Story said on News 1 on the afternoon of the 16th, “As a result of checking with Jang-Hoon Seo regarding the suspicion of abusing Hyun Joo-yeop, he said that he had graduated from high school when that happened.” He added, “Seo Jang-hoon said that he had never seen such things in person when he was in middle and high school.”

Mr. A, who previously raised allegations of school violence by Hyun Joo-yeop, and Mr. B, who identified as motives of the high school basketball club, posted a post to the community and supported Mr. A’s argument.

Mr. B, who had an interview with’Foot-and-mouth disease TV’ on YouTube on the 15th, introduced himself as a two-year junior of Hyun Joo-yeop and one of the juniors who used the gymnasium with Hyun Joo-yeop. “When I was in the first year of high school, my friend was struck by a chess board. There was also a situation where a few dozen needles were pinched.” He said, “There was a friend who quit playing basketball (because of Hyun Joo-yeop).”

Mr. B said, “There were harassment as well as violence,” and “I use my juniors to relieve my stress, but I thought this was enough.” Mr. B added, “It was almost the level of a tyrant that the day started depending on the mood.” Mr. B said, “I think the person who knows this well is Seo Jang-hoon’s elder brother, but if that elder brother stepped forward and said that he was in a certain position, it would flow in a good direction.” I think it would be nice,” he said.

In response, Seo Jang-hoon drew a line saying that he did not know much about Hyun Joo-yup’s suspicion of abusing, and that he had never witnessed anything related to it.

On the other hand, on the 14th, an online community posted an article titled “The Hakpok Truth of Mr. H, the best basketball player of the time”. In this article, Mr. A, who introduced himself as a two-year junior who worked at the same school as Mr. H, revealed that while in school, Mr. H had harassed and beaten his juniors. He asked, “I sincerely apologize and hope that I will not appear on the air in the future.”

This article spread online and controversy grew, and information that Mr. H had a father who had a business with the mother of a basketball player from national university was presumed to be Hyun Joo-yeop, and the wave of waves increased.

However, Hyun Joo-yeop posted a post on social media on this day and said, “Most of the content that Mr. K revealed is not true.” I strongly denied it. Hyun Joo-yeop said, “In order to keep my faith in the people who believe in me and my family who will be hurt by this incident, and again, I think that unfair victims should no longer occur through this malicious setback, so I am going to ask an investigation agency to find out the truth.” He announced that “according to the results of the investigation, it is also revealed that we will strictly hold civil and criminal responsibilities,” he said.

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