Seo-in Yoon “I heard that BJ’s emotion was rumored to be a’sponsor girl’? 4 years ago, Japanese public debate was embarrassed”

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Webtoon writer Seo-in Yoon (47) was selected as the protagonist who spread false facts about the recently controversial BJ emotion.

On the 27th, a video titled’Crocodile Men’s Training Center’ (hereinafter referred to as’Crocodile’) on YouTube channel’Crocodile Men’s Training Center’ was uploaded and attracted attention.

Youtuber Crocodile, who revealed that he has a close relationship with Impression Ran, said, “There have been many rumors about Impression Ran on this floor since ancient times. There was a lot of sexual harassment.”

He continued, “I was very troubled by this,” he said. “All I know is that he majored in biochemistry in the United States and graduated after going through a freemedi course.

“The golf trip that I went with my sponsor was with my dad.”

He also said that Impression-ran made extreme attempts because of bad comments.

Crocodile said, “Some of the people who criticized Gamdongran were doing business in Japan with Yoon Seo-in, but when Yoon Seo-in struck the back of the head and split him up, I will call him Mr. A.” He said he was a’sex offender’. At this time, Seo-in Yoon comforted him with a Facebook message and advised him that it would be all over.”

However, it was argued that it was Yoon Seo-in who spread malicious rumors about Impression Ran. Mr. A reconciled with Impression-ran and confessed that it was Yoon Seo-in who made the rumor. Mr. A also captured and sent a text message he had shared with Seoin Yoon in the past.

In this message, Seo-in Yoon criticized Impressive Lan, saying, “Of course, it will be a spawn trip”, “If you travel abroad and look at Amman, it is a bar X.”

When the facts became known, Seo-in Yoon said on his Facebook page on the day, “If you look at the sniper, it looks like I’ve been interspersed with Mr. A, who had no problem, but this is not true. Mr. A first criticized him. ”

“At the time, he and I were important business partners, and a large part of the business was made by him. He criticized him, who was a lot of anger, and criticized him, and said, “You have a lot of money and you are handsome,” he explained.

“I am truly sorry. “I sent an apology and conveyed my intention to apologize through other channels, but I am embarrassed to disregard all of this and publicize the work four years ago.”

Yoon Seo-in recently posted a post on social media saying,’Independence activists lived roughly. Impression-ran is a person who gathered attention after revealing that he had been talked about by employees behind sexual harassment at a restaurant in Busan.

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PhotosㅣGamdongran Seoin Yoon SNS

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
