Self-quarantine at Swiss ski resort 200 British people flee’emergency’

Variation from the UK, from the Atlantic Islands to Japan… Spread to 23 countries


When you wake up and sleep now, more and more countries have this mutant virus. It is spreading so fast. It has also emerged from islands in Norway and the Atlantic Ocean, and the number of infections has increased in Japan. So far, it has been confirmed in 23 countries. In the midst of this, about 200 British people who had been quarantined in a ski resort in Switzerland ran away and caught an emergency.

This is reporter Lee Ji-eun.


People with ski equipment are standing close together.

This is a video posted on social media saying that there is no social distancing at the ski resort.

Even worse, hundreds of British people who were in quarantine here ran away.

With the rapid spread of the UK mutant virus, Swiss authorities self-quarantined 420 British people who came to the resort on the 21st for 10 days.

But surprisingly, about half of these were sneaked out.

Some have appeared in France, while others have no way of knowing where they have gone and whether they have the mutant virus, which is raising concerns.

Mutant viruses originating from the UK continue to emerge from any region.

In Norway, two people returning from Britain contracted the virus, and people who visited Britain on the Portuguese island of Madeira in the Atlantic were infected.

In Jordan, the Middle East, a couple returning from the UK were also confirmed as coronavirus mutations.

The mutant virus has also been identified in couples in Ontario, Canada.

However, there are some observations that the mutant virus has already spread to Canada because they haven’t been abroad recently, let alone the UK.

In Japan, an additional woman was confirmed to be infected with the mutant virus, and the number of infections in Japan increased to eight.

To date, 23 countries, including Korea, have been infected with the mutant virus from the UK.

(Screen provided: Twitter’Atellani’, UK Sky News, Planet Ski)
(Video Design: Seungwoo Cho)
